What's so special about fibre?
As a Fibre to the Home provider, we often get asked what's so special about fibre optics?
Fiber optics is a technology that uses thin, transparent fibers to transmit data, voice, and images by the passage of light 1. In telecommunications, fiber optic technology is used to link computers within local area networks and to connect cities and countries across the world 2. Fiber optic cables are made up of glass or plastic fibers that are thinner than a human hair and can transmit data over long distances at high speeds 1.
Fiber optic cables are used in telecommunications because they offer several advantages over traditional copper cables. They are faster, more reliable, and can transmit more data over longer distances 2. They are also less susceptible to interference from electromagnetic fields and can be used in areas with high levels of electrical noise 2.
Here are some of the key advantages of using fiber optics in telecommunications:
In summary, fiber optics is a key technology used in telecommunications to transmit data, voice, and images over long distances at high speeds. It is faster, more reliable, and can transmit more data than traditional copper cables. Fiber optic cables are also more secure, require less maintenance, and can transmit data over much longer distances than copper cables 312.