What's a Recruiting Power Hour?
Hi guys! I took a minute this weekend to review my newsletter subscribers and saw many familiar faces. Thank you! It means a lot that you read what I write. You too, mom.?
The rest of you are fresh and new so I’d love to know what brought you here and also to introduce myself.
Hi, my name is…
Jen Selverian, and I’m the founder and executive director of Nadexa Group, a boutique recruiting firm specializing in marketing, advertising and communications. We partner with ad agencies, PR firms, and inhouse marketing departments to deliver exceptional (and highly nuanced!) talent. For example, over the past year, we’ve placed:
And by we, I mostly mean me! I’ve had employees in the past, and I work with other recruiters and researchers to manage volume, but I’ve been a bit of a lone wolf lately. I take on 20-30 searches a year and I just love the hell out of them!?
Over the 14 years we’ve been in business, I found that I achieve the best results when I have the headspace to talk to business leaders and go really deep on their hiring needs. It’s the craftsman vs. mass production approach to recruiting.?
The good news is that you get me and my 20 years of experience when you hire Nadexa Group. I have a researcher that I work with to build our candidate pool, but otherwise I design the search strategy, ensuring we go out with the right message to the right people. I do all the initial interviews to make sure your time is well spent with only star talent. I steer the interview and feedback loop, and keep candidates engaged until we’re ready to make an offer. You’re stuck with me!
When we work this way, we fill almost all roles in 3-6 weeks, with quality people that gel with existing teams, get up to speed quickly and make an immediate impact. The fear of mishiring is gone. You have a great experience and so do the candidates.?
I think if everyone had the freedom to work like this, they would choose a done-for-you concierge service that guarantees their placements. If for no other reason than saving them from plowing through 96,000 resumes. But sometimes, and especially in this economy, there’s not always the support or appetite to hire a recruiter. So the burden falls to the hiring team and they burn up many hours chasing mediocre candidates.
Introducing Power Hours
So, here’s what I’d like to do. I’m experimenting with a Recruiting Power Hour. Just like it sounds: You and I get together and do as much recruiting as humanly possible in an hour!?
We can use the time to:
To be sure, we won’t get through all these items, but I can definitely set you up for success. The most important thing we’ll do is write a search together on our LinkedIn platform, so you can see firsthand what the market will bear, and I’ll leave you with the list of leads we generate.?
This is a new service offering we’re trying out, so you get the first-mover advantage! I’m opening up 5 slots on my calendar, where you can register for a Power Hour for $150. That’s it. No sales pitch, no bait & switch. For less than the cost of a job post, we’re going to grind it out and get you on a good path.
I hope this provides the opportunity to work with more of you!
A power hour is a great idea Jen. I've seen it work well for other businesses. Hiring managers will get a lot of help from you to attract top talent in just one hour based on your outline.