What’s the real result a company needs from their “Facilities Department”? Part III.

What’s the real result a company needs from their “Facilities Department”? Part III.

In this third look at what the Company needs/want from their Facilities Department, I may seem off the point, but stay with it and see how it fits.

Though facilities are expected to be; technically sound or have a ready list of experts to call upon as the situation requires, the technical skills can also be valuable in a consulting vane.?There are innumerable experts, architects, engineers, and designers who provide many detailed opportunities for improvements/changes to the plans for supporting building and equipment changes, remodels, and new locations.

Unfortunately, many of these experts see the advantages of innovations but have not the experience of operations, nor can predict the challenges to make these changes function properly.?This is where Facilities insight is critical.?

Often energy efficiency and projected saving spark the drive for consulting experts to put changes into plans. If there is no one to review how it will react in the real world, it may be incorporated.?Sometimes this is ok, but other times it can be a disaster.

An example of one change that I experienced, had no review outside the Construction and Design department was an air conditioning innovation a few years ago.?It was a new piece of equipment designed to be 100% outside air, and distribute that as tempered air to other air conditioners. ?This allowed the purchase of smaller air conditioning units.?The new innovative unit was very efficient and with lots of sophisticated computer controls and propriety software, making it save energy.?Theoretically, it was brilliant.?Practically, there was not a service network, and the vast majority of air conditioning techs were inapt on this technology.?The frequent failures and inability to quickly resolve them were costly.?Repairs ate up, the expected energy savings, many times over, with customer discomfort eating into their satisfaction/revenues. ?Staff was lost and several years of limping through the learning curve made this move a major headache in numerous new locations.??Latter models and better field tech support have seen the concept more viable.?

A brief review of this change by Facilities would have shown the gross inability to maintain and repair.??This in-house consulting service is needed in most Companies.??Construction and Design may be under pressure to show how savings can be gained by innovation, and facilities can support them as winners are developed.?Also, Facilities can help them weed out the flops which will backfire.

Facilities understanding of operations, technical knowledge, partnered with their list of contractor/vendors, who can advise on feasibility, make a powerful team to do feasibility of many proposed changes.?The Company may not see this service, which Facilities can deliver.?It must be carefully approached so as not to imping upon Construction and Design turf, but as partners to the benefit of the Company

Facilities are not a profit generator, but they can aid in verifying positive changes, and highlight a predicable negative revenue impact.


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