What's an Opportunity for You?
Michael Feeley (he,him)
Career + Life Coaching: All your skills are transferable. Let's create the change you desire in your career 50 ->80+ years. You have opportunities to create and encores to give.
Please take a few minutes to look around and see the unique opportunities available for you to learn and grow.
Early today, I had an inspirational opportunity to write this blog post, and so I did.
At 7 a.m., I took the opportunity to drive into town to get some breakfast treats and homemade soup for lunch.
I was given a significant opportunity to take a fantastic online course on strategy, a chance that can greatly contribute to my personal and professional growth. I’ll begin later today at 1 or 2 pm.
I set up a spontaneous breakfast opportunity to meet with a prospective client to discuss new business at 10 am today.
I have the opportunity to transcribe a recording about editing some chapters of my book and developing new material as a bonus for the people I serve. That will happen around 3 pm today.
See what I mean about spotting and creating opportunities? It’s not a waiting game. It’s not a scarcity game. It’s an awareness, curiosity, creativity, and action game filled with positive options and possibilities you can schedule to work on and not let them disappear.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Certified Instructor of Taekwondo & Ananda yoga.