What’s the one question that if you asked….
Jillian Ramsden
Find Yourself at The Listening Space - Take control of your life. I work with individuals, business owners and teams. Clarity in communication will empower you in leadership, life or business in general.
Looking for answers? Asking a question is a good place to start!
Before I explain, consider this.
You know those days… Those days, where you feel nothing but frustration. ‘Everything you do or say just feels wrong or turns into a steaming pile of ……’
And you want to throw your hands in the air in utter exasperation and yell at the top of your lungs “I’ve had enough! I give up!!” and you wish you could simply walk away from it all.
Yeah those days…. Those days are absolute gold!
What I mean by that is - they are the days where something has the best opportunity to change – when you’ve really had enough of that oppressive state of frustration, then what have you got to lose by doing something you haven’t done before?
“Things can’t possibly get any worse, right?” That’s right!!
When you’ve already tried “everything” (really, everything??) then that is the best opportunity to sit yourself down or take yourself for a walk, maybe along the beach, a quiet street or somewhere in the mountains.
A place where there is just you. Reflect on the day or week, month, maybe even a year!
Stop. Take a breath and close down your eyes – listen quietly to the sounds around you, notice the smells and scents in the air, feel the air around you, is it damp night air or is there a warm breeze touching your skin – notice, with all 5 senses, taste the air…
Ask yourself,
What’s happening here?
What is there to see, in all that is happening around me, right now, that I’m not seeing yet?
What in these events is here for me to learn?
So now you see, if you are looking for answers, then the only way to get answers, is to ask the questions you haven’t asked yourself yet.
It’s not easy, but it is simple when you know how. You can start here:
Find Yourself at The Listening Space