What's The Next Step After a Training?
Self-Leadership Executive Performance Coach | Empowering Business Executives to Thrive with Clarity, Impact, and Emotional Intelligence at Big Vision Life Coach
What’s The Next Step After a Training?
Have you ever attended a seminar, workshop, training or even read an awesome book full of good ideas and useful tools that you could apply in your life immediately?
I have...
I’ve read many books, attended talks, workshops, seminars, international certifications.
I love to learn.
Now I have a question for you.
What’s our next step after our learning?
What should be our next step after learning a whole bunch of great information?
Don’t do what I use to do.
I would finish a training and get some great information and then I would go do another training before I even applied the previous training material.
Listen up...
When we finish a training the next logical step is to take action.
What I use to do is take action by doing another training, not applying the information.
I fell into this trap until I woke up one day and realized I need to take action on implementation NOT getting more knowledge.
I would read book after book after book and not apply any of it or very little.
I can still here my wife’s voice in the back of my head saying.
Paul, I see you are always reading these books but I never see any change in you, your still the same.
That was a bitter pill to swallow.
Understand this...
Wrong formula = Learn, Learn Learn...
Correct formula = Learn, implement, Learn, Implement, Learn Implement...
So now I see my results are improving as soon as I started to implement most of what I was learning immediately after the learning.
Any book, workshop, training, certification is only an introduction to the topic.
To master it I needed to apply it and go deeper on the topic.
Here’s the deal...
How do we know when we know something?
When we are living it and applying it and it’s in our bones.
What will we do after our next learning?
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/rK7gaY4_d0c
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