What’s Next?
Pyush Dhingra
Serial Entrepreneur, Thought Leader, Public Speaker, Trailblazer, Growth Advisor, Author, Cartoonist, Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Trainer ★ Delivering Smart Outcomes ★
Times have changed & our lives recreated, so must our lenses through which we see our future. From extinction of daily commute to translating relationships, our world is changing & changing expeditiously…
Our whole world has swung upside down and entire fabric of life has transformed. Entire world is on boil & turmoil, full of exasperation culminating in rampage & bloodshed and leading the human race to nowhere except massacre & extinction. This atmosphere of instability & precariousness encompassing us has paralyzed our minds & souls and we are left stranded in present with inadequacy to plan our future. What will happen tomorrow, or what will happen to our children are the questions haunting us unceasingly.
Who would have imagined that one tiny & nano wildlife virus will open its mountainous jaws to engulf us and will stand between our survival & extinction? It has posed exceedingly severe threat by lauding tenacious message to entire mankind, "Lemme see how you survive". There is rampage & bloodshed all around and fear of uncertain times are sucking every single drop of our blood day by day. This tornado is much atrocious and mightier than any other who have wounded us in past. Cruising through most bizarre times of our lives & this colossal catastrophe, fight against all odds for our survival is going on & on.
Who would have apprehended that such unprecedented & arduous times will come and hit us so hard that humans will become biological bombs & maintaining physical & social distancing from friends, colleagues & family will be a lifesaving drug?
Who would have anticipated that continuous lockdowns, endless quarantines, days of fearful antagonism, incessant sufferings, perpetual loss of lives, mental disturbance, political blame games, collapsing health infrastructure, depleting food banks, crippling economies, news full of noise & breathless masks will become new normal?
Who would have predicted migration of laborers, dwindling hunger, massive layoffs, soaring unemployment, bankruptcy & insolvency of businesses, liquidity crisis, doomed roads & ghost towns, and abnormal stock market crashes?
You must be wondering that why I am rephrasing as these are quite an audible facts being depicted daily by media around the globe and infact we are hearkening this all throughout the day.
Question is not that why this hell has fallen on us but infact What’s next?
Will so called technological & biological advanced human race will extinct like Dinosaurs?
Will we have adequate supplies of substantiated antidote to this monster trying to shower catastrophe on us?
Will god not save his children from this infectious surgical strike?
Will we have any answers to so many wills? What’s next?
They say that this too shall pass but we can’t act as an owl & shut our eyes to enigma which has flustered us radically & pretend that "All is Well" and everything will be hunky-dory. People & businesses are on hold and wheels of economy have been brought to a grinding halt. Nobody in this world have magic wand to revamp everything back to normal with a flash of hand.
Infact, we need to treasure trove ingenious solutions to counter this adversary & devise following constructive blueprint to resurrect our planet with open minds.
1. Administering prevailing health emergency:
a. Manufacturing vaccines at war-footing by entire pharma sector rather only few.
b. Emergency use approvals to all vaccines in fray.
c. Overhauling extant health infrastructure.
d. Setting up booth level vaccination hubs.
e. Voluminous production & distribution of crucial Medicare.
f. Regulating prices of all lifesaving drugs.
g. Stringent laws against hoarding of medical essentials.
h. Assigning district wise private project teams for door to door inoculations.
i. Pervasive & mandatory education to all for usage of mask, hygiene & self-inoculation.
j. Coaching youth for exhaustive COVID appropriate behavior & awareness campaign.
k. Designating Army medical warriors to districts.
2. Strategies to mitigate impending pandemics:
a. Evolution of specialized health infrastructure via public private partnership.
b. Amplification of medical colleges & universities infrastructure.
c. Imperative directive for atleast one medical professional per family.
d. Free trade agreements between countries for supply of medical necessities.
e. Public Private Partnership for capacious production & distribution of crucial Medicare.
f. Setting up R&D division for study on forthcoming viruses/ ailments.
g. Appropriation of annual budget for R&D of vaccines for imminent viruses/ ailments.
h. Empowering world health organization to governing role.
3. Rehabilitate Economies
a. Infrastructure & land reforms by building stable consensus with spectrum of stakeholders across sectors/ industry.
b. Liquidity infusion to strengthen the purchasing power & demand.
c. Innovation, R&D, technology advancements to expand productivity & efficiency.
d. Direct Tax, Indirect Tax & Financial sector reforms.
e. Eradication of free trade restrictions & sanctions between countries to boost exports.
f. Consumer finance protection, surge in deposit interests, capital controls, public debt management, and other banking reforms.
g. Elaboration of sector wise product portfolios for expanded employment generation.
h. Collaborated public private endeavor to influence foreign investments in key sectors.
i. Monetization of sick enterprises for re-investments in sunshine sectors.
4. Revolutionize Ways of Living
a. Constricting population in over populated countries via stringent regulations/ laws.
b. Oneness heedless of caste, creed, religion and race to ensure world peace & harmony.
c. Banishing social & economic inequalities, antagonism, dissection & animosities.
d. Evacuating hate, divide, crime & polarization.
e. Expulsion of greed, commotion, distress and distrust.
f. Fear free habitat, ease of living & business and focus on values.
g. Healthy, enthusiastic, effervescent and quality life for all.
h. Behavioral transformation to comprehend the importance of humanity, love and kindness.
Change is inevitable & inescapable and it has to be negotiated well. This strange change which occur nostalgic today have undeniably paused us to give it a thought, where are we heading for?
Why we have reached to this precarious situation?
We need to learn from our aberrations and pursue the blueprint to restrict such tornadoes in our lives. We must brace to redesign our lives, remodel our social order and rebuild our future. Spirituality & Science are two resilient pillars of human civilization and both has to collude for domination of this change dishonored on us. We need to forbid these adversities, protect our mental make-up and foresight our greater future prospects. This line of differentiation should be marked visible by well defining our priorities. Only then, we can expect a healthy, enthusiastic, effervescent and quality life.
Let’s take the first step in the right direction.
Life is not diminished to be belted eternally by past. Life is contemporary every moment. To discover your life, let leave the past. The Past is dead, bury it. Don’t permit dead to imprison the living.
Chief Supply Chain Officer
3 年Very insightful & thought provoking. To take the suggested initiatives we need proven leaders to take the country out of these crises ...provided we have some ??
Certified Posh Trainer & Independent Director; Group General Counsel & CEO Sistema Smart Technologies Limited; Founder Sukh Setu Foundation
3 年Very insightful!