What's Next Is Now: on Future Readiness, Celebrating Change, and Learning the Three R's

What's Next Is Now: on Future Readiness, Celebrating Change, and Learning the Three R's

Earlier this week, I wrote about the value of having a flexible mindset and keeping yourself future ready.

Keen observers will note that I stopped short of sharing anything personal on how I've applied these principles in my own world.

So here's an example of how I've embraced future-readiness.

Before I get into it, I owe major props to my manager Erik Rocheford . He's been teaching me how to seize every opportunity to effectively turn plans into action so I'm always future-ready.

A skill that the best recruiters are always using is something we call "planting seeds". For me, this means enthusiastically building my network, and maintaining relationships so I'm both present and prepared to serve hiring needs as they arise.

Planting seeds is the ultimate form of being future-ready. The yield comes later, but it never comes at all until you start somewhere.

In recruiting, sometimes those needs pop up next week. Sometimes it's next month. Sometimes it's YEARS down the line. If I do all of the right things and nurture my network, I'll enjoying nice a blend of all 3 of these scenarios.

For example: just this past week, I placed a talented candidate with a fantastic client! YAY!

My candidate landed a role that will fill her career cup right now while shaping her for the future of her dreams.

How did I find her? I placed her elsewhere in a contract role 2 years ago. That's when our mutual trust and appreciation for one another began, and our rapport took root. Planting that seed kickstarted her professional journey and prepared her to keep growing as times changed. It also helped me know her well so I could introduce her with confidence when it was time for her to level-up.

And that fantastic client? My breakthrough with them was 5 whole years ago. That's when I placed a former colleague of mine (literally the person who ran the lab next to mine before I became a recruiter!) in the role where she would become the right hand to the founder, enabling success as the company grew to become the awe-inspiring organization that it is today.

My former colleague is a manager now, and my placement's new boss.

Everything came together so nicely for all involved - but it didn't happen by accident or by chance.

This sort of success story finds its beginnings in my use of the Three R's: Reflect, Recognize, and Rise up!

I reflect on who I know in biotech, and what I know about how the field is evolving. I recognize talented jobseekers and hiring managers, as well as market trends. Then I "rise up" and take action, initiating targeted discussions and focusing attention on situations where I'll be able to deliver for candidates and clients alike - both in the near-term and for the long haul.

Being future-minded means being ready for whatever may come. The difference made by using the Three R's is the way it turns the future into something that is happening "for" me instead of something that's just happening "to" me.

And when it all falls into place, I can add a fourth R: Raising a glass, and celebrating success!

Deborah Kurtz

Founder and Solopreneur Recruiter for GTM B2B SaaS, ecommerce, B2C, healthcare tech

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It’s the long game, always. And you are so good an investing in genuine relationships, Kristen - they will pay you back, even if we can’t see it in the moment!


