What's Next?
Rise and Record 2022 was a success, to say the least. From the stories shared to the relationships formed, I could not be more proud of every single attendee for taking the leap and joining me.?
So, what’s next??
One word.?
The best way to move forward after our annual Rise & Record event is to join a mastermind.?
Because it takes everything from the event and breaks it down on a microscopic level - the number of people decreases causing the quality of relationships to increase, the knowledge shared becomes more specific to each individual, and so much more.?
Check out the recap of Rise & Record 2022 HERE.
If you watch that video and don’t want to wait a whole year to experience it… our masterminds are a perfect opportunity.
We have three locations this year…
St. Petersburg, Florida / Pray, Montana / Northeast, Iowa
P.S. If you missed out on joining us this year for Rise & Record, stay tuned to snag a ticket to the 2023 event during Black Friday!