What’s next after Covid 19?
Peter Edge
Professional Keynote Speaker, MC and Event Host, After Dinner Speaker, Comedian, Charity Auctioneer. 'The Lost Knowledge Detective'
Is everyone just waiting for a ‘return to normal’?
I suppose that would be fine if this was a one off situation, a blip; but it’s not, and what we might have understood to be ‘normal’ in the past, is unlikely to be the ‘normal’ of the future. We haven’t really got a clue what a ‘return to normal’ is going to look like have we?
Now would be a really good time to conduct that ‘Strategic Risk Assessment’I've previously mentioned, for your business, your organization…yourself even!
But before you do, consider doing a ‘Strategic Debrief’ of how you and your team, your organization, have responded to the Corona Virus outbreak. Better still, make a ‘Strategic Debrief’ process a regular part of your ongoing response. It doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t have to be long and drawn out. I’ve done plenty and the simpler they are, the better.
Just ask the questions “What went well?”, “What didn’t go well?” and “What would you do differently?”
This isn’t an opportunity for self congratulation, it’s an opportunity to identify best practice, to highlight gaps, to improve, to build your capability to cope with the ever changing, frighteningly dynamic environment that we’re currently in.
It’s easy when you’re fire fighting, struggling to keep your head above water, to miss the stuff that’s going on around you, so you have to consciously take time out to notice. That’s what the debriefing process does for you. Take a step back, on a regular basis and analyse how you’re coping. If you then ‘spin the wheel’ of the ‘Strategic Risk Assessment’ process, you’ll have a much better idea of what ‘control measures’ you can confidently identify.