What’s new? ZENO testnet tokens + fixing music royalty distribution

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Get your testnet tokens - ZENO

Global milestone…

Our ZENO testnet tokens are ready for you to request and test your dApps.?We built Seneca as the first platform designed to enble fully trustless apps and we look forward to the incredible projects you'll create.?New and exciting projects can win a feature spot on our social channels & newsletter.

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Visit our?Discord?for more details and download the?Vault+ Chrome extension?to submit token requests and start building your dApps on the ZENO testnet.

Share your feedback with us, and let's shape the future together.

Download Vault+

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Featured dApp: Music Master

Music Master solves a key problem that has plagued musicians, producers, and labels since the beginning of the industry: fair and friction free distribution and song royalties and certificates.

By leveraging the power of Seneca, Music Master enables producers, singers, and composers to easily split the percentages of their songs, collaborate, get paid and share the profits of their music creations through smart contracts.

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Seneca's private and confidential spaces provide secure and private storage for Music Master's royalty and certificate sharing features, while its public space allows Music Master to make data publicly discoverable and work easily with other environments.

Tell us what you can build on Seneca

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We're hiring!

Seneca is growing, and we are looking for a passionate, highly skilled Substrate expert to join our core development team.

Go to?apply.workable.com/senecatech?to learn more and apply!

Looking for other types of work? E-mail us at?[email protected]

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