What's new with WhatsApp?

What's new with WhatsApp?

Nowadays WhatsApp it is the 2nd most used messaging app. It counts 1.2 billion of active users, 55 billion of messages sent every day and 100 billion voice calls made every day. As we can see it is one of the most used platforms that is coming with the new version of WhatsApp for businesses that it will practice targeting and it is going to be used in a larger scale. A new opportunity to connect with businesses and to leave a positive comment or to complain. But it will be also a new tool for marketing promotions because:

-You can send offers, new product releases, promo codes and more. In very short time you can reach a huge number of customers.

-Send tickets to those who book events through this platform. This modality has been tested from some companies in India lately.

-To send reminders for flights, policy that needs renewing or other important tasks that you will recive a message as a reminder.

-You can offer support to the customers that are not satisfied. This will help to improve the relationship with customers.

-To get review and ratings about the products and services. You can send them links or options to reply to your surveys.

All the options above offer the opportunity for a better brand positioning, a better customer engagement and a higher direct communication between the customers and business representatives. So it will be an easy low cost marketing tool to be taken into consideration.


