What's New With Royal Creative?!
Our team has expanded! Welcome our Operations Manager, Yana Obiekwe, and Director of Client Relations, Shelton Dodson IV. They’re bringing even more personality to the best team of creatives, and we’ve got so much in store.
Every newsletter, we want to bring y’all a quick chat on what we’re working on and to highlight key elements in the world of marketing, branding and advertising. This week, let’s talk about the importance of social media when it comes to branding. Trust us, we get it. No one wants to see an ad every five seconds when they’re scrolling on their favorite social platforms, but we live in a digital world. You honestly can’t escape it. So why not make it a useful tool in your company’s marketing and branding strategy?
The power of storytelling online is so important because you can literally reach anyone with one post. Take the time to figure out your brand’s story and how that translates visually. Focus on a key market for your goods and/or services, and begin marketing that with a unique design. We just made it sound easy, but it’s not always so simple. But that’s what y’all got us for, so don’t even trip. We’ll be back with even more chats!
Royal Creative Presents: Wine Down
If you’re looking for more music for your listening pleasure, we’re introducing Royal Radio where each staff member will share some of their favorite tracks in rotation at the moment. We’re here to bring the vibes on the go for any occasion. Check out our first playlist, “Wine Down” by Yana available on Apple Music and Spotfiy. Follow our channels for more!
"A Table For Two": Coming November 2022
We are excited to announce that our Co-Founders will start their podcast, “A Table For Two.” The podcast is a collaboration with North Carolina-based TXV Studios and will be a culture commentary based on their perspectives and experiences. After being in meetings and at events with these two, let me tell you, YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!
Royal Brand Release | 10.07
If you’re looking to sport your favorite agency and everything that is Royal Creative, be on the lookout for our First Official Merchandise drop this Friday, Oct. 7th.