What’s New About Reinvented Capitalism?

What’s New About Reinvented Capitalism?

Ten Ways In Which Reinvented Capitalism Is Different

What, if anything, is truly new about the reinvention of capitalism as described?here?(MSFT),?here?(AMZN),?here?(SRI), and?here? Is it more than a re-labeling of ideas that have long been around? The answer is that the?concept of reinvented capitalism?differs from most other ideas about management and leadership currently being discussed in academia, business, and the media, in ten important ways.

First, the reinvention of management is a set of ideas that aspires to present a?discipline—a body of practical knowledge, that is inter-disciplinary, and brings together branches of expertise that have not always conversed with or learned from each other, and have not always kept abreast of economic and technological developments.

Second, it is?comprehensive, with the ongoing re-imagination of the entire concept of management, rather than dwelling on little fixes to a bigger jigsaw puzzle. It is a vast task, building on the insights of many minds. It is unlike those consultant claims which present a few branded practices, often coupled with expensive services, that are presented as “the answer.” It is timely because reinvented capitalism occurs at a momentous time when the transition in thinking and practice is as revolutionary as the?Copernican revolution in astronomy, the?abandonment of bloodletting in medicine, or the transition?from an agrarian to an industrial economy.

Third,?it seeks to remedy four wrong-turnings that have paralyzed management and prevented its evolution towards becoming a serious discipline. First, in the 1950s business schools set out to translate management into a branch of the physical sciences, which resulted in a?vast outpouring of academic writing that?had?little practical content or utility.

First, in the 1950s, business schools set out to emulate the physical sciences: the result was a vast outpouring of academic studies that had little practical content or utility.

Another misstep occurred in the 1970s when management was effectively redefined by Milton Friedman and his colleagues as the maximization of short-term shareholder value, Even its champion, Jack Welch, eventually saw in 2009 that it was “the dumbest idea in the world,” but by then, it had been implemented with?devastating economic, financial and social consequences.

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Buy My Book, Reinventing Capitalism In The Digital Age.

Yet another wrong turning in management was the decline of many business schools into boot camps of analysts to be recruited by big business in pursuit of short-term profits.

The final wrong turning was the re-definition of “manager” by?Abraham Zaleznik?as a Dilbert-like administrator who was unable to make substantive decisions, while executives were ennobled with the title of “leaders” and even “entrepreneurs,” and?compensated accordingly, regardless of whether they deserved the titles or not.

Management was thus downgraded to a minor subtopic of leadership, rather than leadership being seen as one part of the larger task of management.

Those four wrong turnings hamstrung management’s capacity to advance as a discipline or to contribute to the massive institutional changes needed to deal with digital technology. Reinvented capitalism seeks to correct those four errors.

Fourth, reinvented capitalism is?integrative. It seeks to show how different pieces of the management puzzle fit together and explains the relationships and interactions. Whereas the interactions of industrial-era firms tended to be control-based, top-down, rigid, and output oriented, interactions in the digital-age corporation tend to be interactive, flexible and outcome-oriented.

Fifth, it recognizes?complexity. It rejects the idea that the management of a corporation is a set of mechanical interactions, operating in a linear fashion, as if a firm can be governed by routines and processes, ignoring how human beings feel about things.

By contrast, reinvented capitalism recognizes that the corporation operates like the human body’s?auto-immune system. It creates an immune system that fights against bureaucracy, just as bureaucracy itself fights against digital age management.

Sixth, the reinvention of capitalism necessitates uncustomary?frankness. It discusses things that are well-known but rarely confronted directly. This includes how corporate leaders joined together in the Business RoundTable in 2019 and solemnly?declared the end of prioritizing shareholder value?without taking any steps to implement the decision. The result? The declaration was?mostly for show.

Seventh, it is?evidence-based,?while recognizing that the with-and-without experiments of the physical sciences are usually not possible in the management domain. Gathering evidence here is is more like inspired detective-work, piecing together scraps of evidence and developing hypotheses as to what is going on, while recognizing the incompleteness of evidence and the possibility that new evidence and new developments will emerge and invalidate what was previously thought to be known. It seeks to make progress despite the incompleteness of information. It prefers to discuss public companies, where audited financial results are available.

Thus it seeks to be respectful of?history, building on the thoughts of others. starting with Peter Drucker, as shown in Figure 3. Ideas are not presented as having a virgin birth, with no apparent parentage.

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It is also?self-reflective, considering what predictions and other mistakes have been made, and what unexpressed assumptions need to be?exposed and re-examined. It insists on the compatibility of?ethics?and effectiveness.

Seventh, it is above all?practical?in aspiration. It is based on what has been shown to work in practical settings.?addressing any issues that may arise from undue concentration within specialized fields of study. It also recognizes the importance of?risk, and the difficult lessons that the entire economy is having to learn. As Kodak, Blockbuster, Nokia, GE, and many others, discovered, the message is simple:?persuade your firm to change before it’s too late.

Eighth, it is?context-sensitive. not “one size fits all.” It identifies deep underlying patterns that are common across many organizations, while recognizing that each corporation is unique with its own peculiarities and language. Each firm will thus feel different. It accepts multiple terminologies, recognizing the possibility of firm preferences, while looking for the deeper underlying patterns that are in substance the same.?

Finally, it recognizes that some areas are still?work in progress, such as the?inequities of executive compensation: From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by?1,008 % far outstripping S&P stock market growth (707%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 12%.?Other areas where progress is still needed include the phenomenon of?fake Agile?aka Agile in name only, and the?green-washing of social and ecological goals.

And read also:

The Ten Steps Needed To Re-Imagine Capitalism

A Manifesto for Management In The Digital

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Get My New Book

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This pathbreaking book shows how capitalism, despite many flaws, is alive and thriving. The system of capitalism has brought vast material benefits to the human race over several centuries, and is now bringing forth the extraordinary and irresistible opportunities of the emerging digital age.

Taking inspiration from great thought leaders of the past, the book cuts through the noise and builds on the simple truth that reinventing capitalism means—finally—taking to heart Peter Drucker’s 1954 prescient dictum: “There is only one valid purpose of a?corporation: to create a customer.” This in turn means reinventing our own lives with a collective commitment to co-create value for others.

The book offers practical advice for shedding the aberrant management practices of the last half century that have created inequality and dispiriting workplaces. With this book as our guide, we can see how to create a flourishing economy with benefits for all and working environments that are creative and fulfilling.

Order?Reinventing Capitalism In the Digital Age?on Amazon

Learn more here:?https://reinventing-capitalism.com/

This is about the re-imagining of the very concepts of management and leadership.

Steve Denning ?

Colin Newlyn

Decrapify Work ???? Recovering Executive ?? Helping you survive corporate life ?? Making change happen ??

2 年

Seems to me that you are redefining what business is, or perhaps what management is. I'm not sure you're redefining capitalism. Are you addressing the political system(s)? Which economies are you redefining it for? I agree with the points you make and the direction of travel, I'm just not sure it's what you say it is.

Chris Heuer

Managing Director @ Team Flow Institute. High performance collaboration coach, workspace architect, and Team Flow Facilitator

2 年

So very grateful for your work Steve. This sort of framing is what ivdb been waiting for to help describe the proverbial parts of the elephant I’ve been touching, connecting to the whole (and perhaps soul) of the elephant. Q: what role did Friedman et al play in leading to exploitative/extractive capitalism? My current hypothesis is that it is the entrepreneur’s choice as to whether they continue with mindsets, strategies and tactics that lead to this structural inequality across the economy or choose a more inclusive economic path. Expecting MNC execs to change their focus on quarter over quarter growth for a patient capital approach is futile. They’ve made their beds and promises which they are obligated to fulfill. As we have come to understanf the importance of co-creating shared value, we need to embrace new ways of sharing the value we have co-created. This leads to new ways of deploying old models of shared ownership like co-ops being built as DAO’s and more employee owned businesses. Perhaps once venture capital accepts the reality of the world it created in pursuit of exponential returns to the detriment of humanity, the true value of human capital will be realized.


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