What’s New In Python 3.12

What’s New In Python 3.12

Python enthusiasts, the wait is over—Python 3.12 is here, and it’s packed with updates that refine the coding experience. Let’s dive into the key highlights with some practical examples:

  1. Enhanced f-strings: f-strings are now more flexible, allowing for multi-line expressions and comments.

# Before Python 3.12:
f"Result: {value}"  # Couldn't span multiple lines or include comments

# In Python 3.12:
Result: {
  value  # You can now include inline comments!

2. Filesystem Improvements: The pathlib and os modules got a tune-up for better file handling.

# pathlib.Path now supports subclassing
class MyPath(pathlib.Path):
    # Custom methods can be added to extend functionality
    def read_as_upper(self):
        return self.read_text().upper()        

3. Performance Boosts: The asyncio module has seen significant improvements, ideal for those who rely on asynchronous programming.

# Asyncio performance improvements
import asyncio

async def main():
    # Perform IO-bound and high-level structured network code
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("Async code just got faster!")

4. Typing Module: New syntax for generic types and aliases promotes clearer code with static type checkers.

# New syntax for generic type declaration and type aliasing
from typing import TypeVar, Iterable, Sequence

T = TypeVar('T')

def first(items: Iterable[T]) -> T:
    return next(iter(items))

NumberList = Sequence[int]

5. Security Tweaks: Formal verification for built-in implementations of SHA and MD5 hash functions through the HACL* project.

# Security-focused changes in hashlib
import hashlib

secure_hash = hashlib.sha256()
secure_hash.update(b"safe and sound")

6. C API Additions: Introducing new ways to interact with Python's C API for more advanced extension development.

// C API improvements
// New function to create types with metaclass
PyObject *MyType = PyType_FromMetaclass(MyMetaclass, ...);

Removals to Note: Farewell to distutils—time to switch to setuptools or other modern packaging tools. And watch out, asyncore and asynchat are gone too!

For in-depth examples and the full suite of improvements, check out the Python docs or the PEPs linked to each feature.

As we keep up with Python's evolution, let’s appreciate how these enhancements make our code cleaner, more secure, and more performant.

Stay tuned for more deep-dives into Python updates. If you find this helpful, follow Elshad Karimov for more tech insights and examples!

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