What's new with me, plus two questions to ask yourself today
Michelle Cederberg, CSP
Hall of Fame Speaker, Coach & Author | Energizing Teams For the Future of Work: Using science-based strategies to eliminate burnout, increase engagement, and ignite high performance
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." ~ Zig Ziglar
Here we are at the start of another year. Hopefully your holidays energized you and you're ready to make an impact with work, life, and all you do that's important to you.
As I mentioned in my last message, we're moving to twice a month with these messages, and I've changed things up a tiny bit. All good, I think! In this message I'm sharing some exciting new presentation offerings, and I ask two impact-driving questions. PLUS, I'm sharing a book I love.
Watch the video below or read the transcript that follows and let me know what goal(s) you're chasing in the months ahead.
Here we go, 2025! If this was March, it would feel like ‘out like a lamb’ in December and ‘in like a lion’ to January. I have got so much going on!
January is normally quiet for me and it is not this year. Blessing or curse? Probably both, but I'm loving it. Michelle Cederberg here. So excited to be connecting with you with my first message of the year.
We'll be going to two times a month starting now, and I'm going to use this first message as an opportunity to update you on who I am, what I offer, and how we might work together in 2025, because there's some great stuff happening.
I'm predominantly a keynote speaker. I go into conferences and open their events or close them, with energy and humor to make it memorable. If you're having an in-house event like a Town Hall or a Health and Safety Meeting, I also speak at those...and really, any meeting that requires a speaker who Ignites High Performance with high energy and fun, laughter and learning.
I also do a half-day workshops and breakout sessions.
I have a new keynote that is ever evolving called ‘Future-Proofing Productivity’, which is what we need today. It looks at how to balance technology with productivity, and why, despite the influx of AI and tech and all things automated (or perhaps because of them), we absolutely need our people to be healthy, focused and engaged at work. We explore that balance and it's really interesting what the research is showing.
I have resurrected my ‘Energized for Excellence’ keynote. I used to do this one as my prime keynote. It’s come back with some great changes and I'm having so much fun with that one.
I've also made some creative updates to ‘The Success-Energy Equation’ keynote as well, which are so good!
This is the life of a keynoter. Your keynotes ever evolve. It keeps it interesting for me, but it also makes it a better experience for you.
I've got a great new breakout session, or rather, the revamping of my stress session, now called ‘The Strong Side of Stress’, which looks at the good side of stress and how we can exploit that to be better in work and in life.
And I've got one called ‘May I Have your Attention Please?’, which is about overcoming distractions, and multitasking, and all of the ways that life is competing with our attention these days, so we can focus better, be more present, and have less stress. That also includes some really interesting research. See updated offerings here: MichelleSPEAKS_Session_Descriptions
I'm pretty excited to be upping the ante on my other offerings as well. I'm stepping into more one-on-one coaching. I'm offering small group and team coaching for any organization, but also as an add-on after my events, because if we've done that good work together, then we can go a little deeper with the coaching. And there may be some online programs and teaching as well. So, stay tuned for all of that.
In every second post, I'll be sharing my ‘Book of the Month’ and this month the book I share is called ‘Put You’re A** Where Your Heart Wants to Be’ by one of my favorite authors, Steven Pressfield. This book is just such a quick and simple read, and it's a great way to recenter for the start of the year, to put your energy where your heart wants to be. See more about it below.
And, I'm now sharing where I will be speaking in the months ahead because if I'm in a town near you and there's an opportunity to bring me to speak while I'm there, then I want to talk to you about that.?I plan to be on the road a lot in 2025, and I think that that will be okay.
Here's a final challenge I have for you as we kick off this year. I want you to think about a goal that you have that won't go away. It can be a personal goal, a professional goal, health goal, or relationship goal. One of those ones you've been dragging from year to year to year. First of all, I want it to be a goal that you know deep down, “If I were to conquer this goal, it would change me.”
Then the first question I want you to ask yourself is, “What will it take to set that goal in motion, even in small steps?” And perhaps the motivating piece for that would be, “And how good would it feel to get it done?”
Really think about those questions, because as we get into the busyness of a new year, and back to work, and all the hustle and bustle, it's so easy to set those goals aside and convince ourselves we'll find the time.
Well, I've got big goals for myself this year, personally, professionally, with my health, and this year, I'm not letting 'em go. In the past I've set some aside, and this year I'm unapologetically getting that sh!t done.
Until next time, I'm Michelle Cederberg reminding you that in order to Ignite High Performance, you do have to put yourself on your to-do list. So, think about those questions. What will it take to get that goal in motion and how good would it feel to get it done?
Reach out to me if you need help with any of that in the form of coaching or what have you. 2025 is going to be a good one.
Michelle Cederberg, Health and Productivity Expert, MKin, BA Psyc, CEP, CPCC Hall of Fame Speaker, CSP, Certified Coach & Best-Selling Author
* NEW - Books I love - January share
I love author Steven Pressfield for his directness, and ability to help you shift 'stuck' perspectives in very simple ways.
I believe?PUT YOUR ASS WHERE YOUR HEART WANTS TO BE?is a great January read, because it will help you relook at what lights you up, and help you move toward more of that in 2025.
From the back cover: "Can you shift your artistic identity—your "ass"—from the shallow, fearful, superficial Ego to the wise, loving fearless Self? Can you commit to your dream for the long haul and for keeps? In this book, bestselling author Steven Pressfield delivers the tough-love inspiration to help you make this life-altering transformation."
Get it on Amazon or wherever you buy your books.?(BTW this is not a sponsored recommendation)
BOOK ME TO SPEAK anywhere across North America RIGHT NOW and into the 2026 - keynotes, workshops, even 1:1 coaching. If you’d like to chat about how to bring me in to your organization to help your team eliminate burnout, increase engagement, and ignite high performance, pop me an email at [email protected]. I’d love to chat.
AM I IN YOUR CITY IN January and February? If you're in one of these cities and dates align, let me know. Maybe I can come and present for your team too.
January 13th, 2025 - VIRTUAL EVENT (which is an option any time I'm home)
January 15th, 2025 - Houston, Texas
January 16th, 2025 - Spring, Texas
January 20th, 2025 - Phoenix, Arizona
January 27th, 2025 - Dallas, Texas
January 29th, 2025 - Bellevue, Washington
January 30th, 2025 - Edmonton, Alberta
February 4th and 5th, 2025 - Dallas, Texas
February 26th, 2025 - Whitecourt, Alberta (HOLD)
March is WIDE OPEN so let's chat about how we can work together.
Watch me in action above, and check out my awesome, updated offerings here: MichelleSPEAKS_Session_Descriptions and my promo kit here: 2025 Promo Kit Michelle Cederberg CSP_HoF
Plus, don’t forget to join me on my social channels below.
Using science-based strategies to eliminate burnout, increase engagement, and ignite high performance
www.michellecederberg.com 403-850-5589