What's new from Wubbleyou? (July 2024)
In recent weeks, I've been attending and speaking at lots of great events and sharing my thoughts on LinkedIn.
We were also featured in Northumbria University News, talking about the benefits of hiring international students on longer term contracts.
National Apprenticeship & Skills Awards 2024 website goes live!
We've worked really hard in collaboration with the Apprenticeships and T Levels team at the Department for Education (and other suppliers) to bring the National Apprenticeship & Skills Awards 2024 website to life.
In the North East of England, I don't think we shout about our people enough so if you work with apprentices or T Level students this is a great opportunity for you to put forward your business and people!
Struggling to grow your business?
Scaling businesses have one hard question to answer: 'How do we keep scaling?' The big fear is running out of steam. Scaling is hard, and people dependent.
Our answer: productise your business into a self-service tech platform. Bake in what you're great at.
If you'd like to know how to do this, we've just started offering some free 'Productisation Workshops' at https://product.wubbleyou.co.uk
Why build a tech product?
I recently took part in a LinkedIn Live interview with Paul Lancaster (PLATFORM | UK Startup Week) in which we discussed how and why you might want to develop a new tech product to grow your business, the things you need to consider, the role of AI / automation and more.
(If you'd prefer just to listen, the same interview can be heard as the 2nd most recent episode of the SuperConnector Show podcast).
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Thanks for reading and get in touch if you need any help or advice on bringing tech products to market.
Mark Renney (Managing Director, Wubbleyou)