What's New from SAM Charter....
Greetings all! It's been a while, so I thought I would put together a few lines to let you know what we've been up to since our last post.
First and foremost, we have four new partners who have signed up to re-deliver the SAM Process Maturity Assessment:
SAM Live! Altran, HW Fisher and Block64
I'd like to welcome them all to the SAM Charter community and say that we will do our level-best to ensure they have a seamless and scalable SAM process experience.
In other news, Matt Fisher and the good eggs in the Marketing Team at Snow Software granted me the space to publish a blog - tips and tricks around getting ahead with SAM. Thanks Matt :)
I'm also pleased out announce that our SAM Global Process Maturity Assessment 2016 will be co-published with Snow Software - we're just putting the finishing touches to the look and feel of the report; if you want to guarantee you'll receive a copy on the date of the publication then please go to our light assessment page and complete the assessment. Equally, our partners can also send you an invitation to the light assessment.
Everyone has been offering their thoughts on the Diageo/SAP court case - and we are not alone! Please keep and eye out to our blogs page where our considered thoughts will be published soon.
To wrap up, we have published the final installation in our Process of the Month vlogs: "The Bermuda Triangle of SAM" gets the You Tube treatment this month, and this article also summarises the previous vlogs. At this point, I would like to thank David Foxen, Kylie Fowler and Janet Coetzee for their friendship and quality input on the commentary they provided for so many of the processes.