What's new from SAM Charter? (July 2018)
It's been a while since I put a few words together in this format, so I thought I would take the time to let you know of our latest updates from the last few months.
In terms of product, The Maturity Assessment continues to be tweaked and refined - and here I was, thinking I would be done with all that development nonsense 18 months ago ("Just when I thought I was out - they pulled me back in!") and so from an end-user perspective, we have augmented the core bank of 100 questions with further optional sections relating to:
- SAM and Finance
- ISO 19770-1: 2017
- Digital Transformation
- Oracle
- Microsoft
- VM Ware
This allows you to customise your SAM maturity experience to your unique IT environment, and all from the comfort of your own laptop/PC if you wish. Reach out to our partners today if base-lining your SAM operations and strategy would give you value in how you handle software licences.
From a partner perspective, we've recently completed work whereby the light/free assessment can now be offered from a standing web-page within the platform - so that you have a working URL from which to invite clients. This saves you the hassle of getting your own web-page to talk to the maturity assessment platform - so you're up and running from day one with SAM maturity services.
We've received a lot of positive feedback for our SAM Template Eco-System. This demonstrates on one sheet of paper (albeit an A1-sized piece of paper) how the processes from our SAM Process Kit fit together. If you're serious about establishing a SAM system worthy of ISO 19770-1: 2017 then this would be a great place to start understanding how and why process integration is every bit as important as technical connectivity. Additionally, if ISO 19770-1: 2017 is of interest to you, then please get a long to our white-papers page - where we have our guidance notes on aspects to concern yourself with when using this Standard as part of SAM implementation. This is where you can download a pdf copy of our SAM Template Eco-System, if you are looking for inspiration with a SAM Charter spin.
And talking of process kits, I'm delighted to say that Kylie Fowler and I have recently completed work on writing the Hardware Asset Management Process Kit.
Final work to get this publication on the website and into our e-commerce portal is currently underway, and we are looking at a go-live date of 20th Aug. Keep an eye out for some fascinating videos Kylie and I have shot(!) offering insights on the points we considered when drafting the processes.
Finally, if you are looking for a means to deliver the SAM message to non-SAM people (aka "muggles") then please get them to take 3 minutes out of their lives to watch our explainer video. If after watching this they still don't "get SAM", then make plans to work round these people, rather than with them!
I think that's all for now, other than to say thank you to our partners for their continuing good-will and tolerance over the last 12 months, and to the wider ITAM community for all the positive likes and shares of our posts on Linkedin.
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