What’s New in ezto - April 2024
In this newsletter, let's explore the latest features developed with a focus on improving security and user experience added to ezto auth in the 4.1.0 release and ezto verify in the 6.0.0 release. We'll delve into how these upgrades are not only raising the bar for security but also revolutionizing user experiences.
ezto auth
Workflows automate the account creation process across multiple applications during user onboarding. Similarly, account deletion and role allocation processes can be automated, providing a structured approach to managing the lifecycle of user identities. Right now, workflows work with the following applications,
And, we will add more applications actively.
Blacklisting in Security Defenses
The blacklisting feature is added to security defenses. With this feature, the admin can easily block the user's access to the workspace based on their IPv4 address, email, domain, phone number, and username.
For example, if a user's access needs to be temporarily revoked without deleting their account, they can be blacklisted.
Enhanced SSO Dashboard
In the dashboard, users can now view their most recently visited and favorite applications. They can also group applications for easy management.
Custom Support Mapping
Previously, when an error page was displayed when using ezto auth, employees were redirected to ezto through the contact support link. Now, organizations can customize the contact support section with their own support URL and email. This enables organizations to manage issues internally and reach ezto’s support only when needed.
ezto verify
The Templates section now goes by the name Workflows.
Huawei Support
ezto verify app is now compatible with Huawei OS. This helps to verify users who are using Huawei devices while they perform critical actions.?
Facial Verification
Face Register and Face Verify are now part of Workflows. During registration, the user's facial geometry is captured and saved, which is then compared to the user's live face during the verification process.
Selfie Registration
User's faces can be registered with their selfie, which is then converted into a hash code. During the liveness check, the registered face can be compared with the person undergoing the check to ensure security.
Proximity Verification (Beta)
During web-to-device interaction in the verification process, the distance between the web and registered mobile devices is calculated. If it is within the threshold value, verification succeeds otherwise it fails. Thereby protecting the accounts from remote takeovers.
As we wrap up this newsletter, we want to emphasize that each new enhancement and feature is meticulously crafted with your convenience in mind. We've made these additions to empower the verification you perform using ezto verify.
If you have any questions or require further assistance in exploring these new features, our dedicated team is here to support you. Please reach out through the support email.
To know more, visit us on ezto.io
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