What's New on Async- Platform Updates 9/29/22
1) Free Mints: Want a way to reward your collectors, or build your collector base? Try making your Blueprint a Free Mint. This feature works well with allowlisting to fend off any bots and make sure collectors get exclusive mint access. Quite a few successful collections started as free mints; maybe yours will be the next one…??
ICYMI: We rolled this out with #AsyncFaceOff. Read the recap on that here: https://edition.async.art/blog/asyncfaceoff-recap-free-mint-launch?
2) Stereo Audio: All sections on the Async creation platform (including previews) now support stereo so you can know exactly how your pieces will sound upon mint.
Featured here: our #AsyncNewDawn contest winner: 'Horizons' by Genzo.
3) Mint another: Collectors are now prompted to mint another Edition right after the mint is revealed, so if your Collection is really cool you might get more mints this way ??
Here’s an example with an Edition from 'cr0 by G3ARZ' by J. Thorn
For more detailed release notes, hop into our Discord and head to the?#platform-updates channel, or follow us for regular updates! Discord: https://async.art/discord