What's New In Angular 8? [Angular 8 New Features]
What Are Differences Between Angular 8 and Angular 7?
Angular 8 being smaller, faster and easier to use and it will making Angular developers life easier.
Angular version numbers have three parts: major.minor.patch. This release contains the following added and Improvements over the entire Angular platform including:-
=> Added Support for TypeScript 3.2
=> Added a Navigation Type Available during Navigation in the Router
=> Added pathParamsOrQueryParamsChange mode for runGuardsAndResolvers in the Router
=> Allow passing state to routerLink Directives in the Router
=> Allow passing state to NavigationExtras in the Router
=> Restore whole object when navigating back to a page managed by Angular Router
=> Added support for SASS
=> Resolve generated Sass/Less files to .css inputs
=> Added Predicate function mode for runGuardsAndResolvers:-
This option means guards and resolvers will ignore changes when a provided predicate function returns `false`. This supports use cases where an application needs to ignore some param updates but not others.
For example, changing a sort param in the URL might need to be ignored, whereas changing the `project` param might require re-run of guards and resolvers.
=> Added functionality to mark a control and its descendant controls as touched: - add markAllAsTouched () to AbstractControl
=> Added ng-new command that builds the project with Bazel
=> Use image based cache for windows BuildKite
=> Export NumberValueAccessor & RangeValueAccessor directives
=> Use shared DomElementSchemaRegistry instance for improve performance of platform-server(@angular/platform-server):-
Right now the ServerRendererFactory2` creates a new instance of the `DomElementSchemaRegistry` for each and every request, which is quite costly (for the Tour of Heroes SSR example this takes around **15%** of the overall execution time)
=> Now the Performance Improvements on core, more consistent about “typeof checks”: -
When testing whether `value` is an object, use the ideal sequence of strictly not equal to `null` followed by `typeof value === 'object'` consistently. Specifically there's no point in using double equal with `null` since `undefined` is ruled out by the `typeof` check.
Also avoid the unnecessary ToBoolean check on `value.ngOnDestroy` in `hasOnDestroy()`, since the `typeof value.ngOnDestroy === 'function'` will only let closures pass and all closures are truish (with the notable exception of `document.all`, but that shouldn't be relevant for the `ngOnDestroy` hook)
=> In the Compiler-CLI, expose ngtsc as a TscPlugin
=> Restore whole object when navigating back to a page managed by Angular Router:-
This feature adds a few capabilities. First, when a `popstate` event fires the value of `history.state` will be read and passed into `NavigationStart`. In the past, only the `navigationId` would be passed here.
Additionally, `NavigationExtras` has a new public API called `state` which is any object that will be stored as a value in `history.state` on navigation.
For example, the object `{foo: 'bar'}` will be written to `history.state` here: -`router.navigateByUrl('/simple', {state: {foo: 'bar'}});`
Stayed Informed – Angular Book - All in One (Including Version 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7)
Stayed Informed – Angular Interview Question (Including Version 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7)
Angular 8 beta will be release on March/April 2019. The following table contains our current target release dates for the next two major versions of Angular:-
Are you curious to know about the Recently Stable Released Angular 7.2.3, click to explore in details?
Are you interested to know about, What’s New in Angular 7.2.3?
You can download Angular 7.2.3 stable production release form GitHub.
Source link - https://www.code-sample.com/2018/09/whats-new-in-angular-8-features.html
Team Lead at Steep Rise Infotech Pvt Ltd.
6 年Nice article.. Keep it bro
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6 年Good.?