What's in a name
For centuries we have used a pattern of naming conventions, for the Christians it was the name ??from the bible like Mathew, Mary ??and John etc and for the Hindus it was Ram ,Laxmi and ?Laxman and did you know that Mohammed is one of the most used names around the world. Sitting in the thought bar this week it is about names.
Traditionally Kerala has a naming convention of where you live by, my Mother’s house name is MYILAANDUM PARA means her family ?lived in a place, a hill where the peacock danced , her brother is MP?Abraham?meaning MYLANADUM PARA ABRAHAM, and my village is named ??NOOROMMAVU ??( a place of 100 ??Mango ?tress ??See pic??below ??????( India PIN 689 589) and the neighbouring house name is ??MITTATHUMAVU HOUSE???( meaning ?a?house which has a mango tree in front of their house). Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu Tamil has ?‘Aayiram Jannal Veedu’ which translates to ‘house of thousand windows’ in Tamil. Talking about family names Saudi Arabia the country is named after the ruling family house name which is the house of SAUD.
If we look at the business world some names directly linked to the place they originated from , like KFC?which was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in ?Kentucky , BUT KFCs rival TEXAS CHICKEN was?started in San Antonio as CHURCH CHICKEN and was exported outside USA as Texas Chicken. The famous
?Thalappakatti Biriyani Hotel’s roots can be traced all the way back to 1957. Founded by Mr. Nagasamy Naidu under the name Anandha Vilas Biriyani Hotel in Dindigul. He always wore a turban called THALAPA (a traditional head dress), which over the years became synonymous with his brand and cooking styles.
Chengis Khan or Genghis Khan the warrior is so popular they have almost everything named after him in Mongolia ?see pic of a beer in his name. Looking into India we see house of Tatas ( see pic below) , Godrej TVS, Adani ??etc,. Sometimes children’s names are formed by using half the name of the mother and Father, for example Acharya and Malas baby is Achala ?or Hita?is Himanshu and Tasyas?baby.
Yandex has a double meaning, "Yet Another iNDEXer,' and the Russian word "Я" (Ya") Sounds like "I" In English (Ya-ndex), BTW?Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia. Google came from the mathematical term googol. It's the number one followed by one hundred zeros see pic below. Jerry Yang and David Filo started their company Yahoo as ?"Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web, it was renamed Yahoo, Yahoos are legendary beings in the ?satirical novel Gulliver's Travels written by Jonathan Swift.
Skype was "Sky peer-to-peer. “that was chopped down to "Skyper." And later the r was dropped to be known as Skype only. Airbnb the world famous rooms aggregator name was derived?from Air bed and Breakfast?for their?guest and their first customer was an Indian national named Amol Surve ?( see his pic below with the founder of Airbnb) who was looking for a room to stay because he was attending Industrial Design Conference being held in October of 2007 in San Francisco.
Enter Elon Musk the man who wants to live in Mars?names his son "X ? A-12," ?the name is pronounced "X Ash A Twelve," pretty much just as it looks. Grimes his Girl Friend tweeted out a more detailed explanation of why the various name parts were chosen. She called X "the unknown variable," and said that ? was "my spelling of Ai," which she explained as "love and/or artificial intelligence."?.
The whole idea of this blog on names came up when we were thinking of naming our school hostel boys next get together in Yercaud, one of the names that came up was Возз'?днання meaning Reunion in Ukranian , Возз'?днання has to be pronounced as Vozz'yednannya, earlier we? had used the name CHAGARA when we met in Kerala, Chagara means ?a peculiar marine phenomenon in which many fish and prawns throng together during a particular season.