What’s in a Name?
Guy W Wallace
Retired Performance Analyst & Instructional Architect - Award-winning consultant to Enterprise L&D in performance-based Instructional Architecture Analysis, Design & Development 1979 to 2023.
Back in the mid-1990s, my two business partners at SWI Inc, the late Ray Svenson and my ex-wife Karen Wallace, were consulting with their client Boston Chicken when Boston Chicken decided they had to change their name to Boston Market as they wanted to expand their product line beyond Chicken.
I think of that every time I see people in L&D use the phrase/title Learning Experience Design and Learning Experience Designer (LXD).
As someone who learned on Day 1, back on August 6, 1979, that the default in Enterprise L&D should be Guidance/Job Aids and not Training, based on a 1970 Praxis newsletter from Rummler and Gilbert on Guidance – The Short Way Home.
It’s why I’ve gone full circle back to the term “Instruction,” as that is inclusive of both Performance Guides & Learning Experiences, also known as Job Aids & Training, Performance Support & Learning, or Resources & Courses, etc., etc.
Do Learning Experience Designers not consider Performance Guides/Job Aids/Performance Support/Resources and only produce Learning Experiences/Training/Learning/Courses? Even when the Performance Context does not DEMAND a Memorized Performance Response and ALLOWS a Referenced Performance Response?
All too often, we in L&D/T&D have attempted to force people to memorize what might be referenced instead. Memories are faulty. We should minimize what people have to memorize to that which is truly needed on the job on demand. And if the job does not provide adequate opportunities for use and corrective and reinforcing feedback, we'll need to augment the initial learning with spaced learning - and that can get expensive if we do that on everything that's needed back on the job.
I used to warn my clients in my first meeting with them that I would default to Job Aids (the language used back in the day) versus Training if appropriate, and sometimes would embed the Job Aids in Training to ensure that learners/performers knew they existed and how to use them.
What does the name/title/label you use communicate/project to others?
Check out the 1970 Praxis newsletter from Rummler and Gilbert on "Guidance – The Short Way Home" here: https://tppannex.files.wordpress.com/2023/01/1970-praxis-report-guidance-vs-training.pdf