What’s in a name? Everything
In a world where tech advancements and data-driven strategies often dominate, it’s easy to overlook the simple, yet profound, significance of a name. For me, it’s where the journey toward a person-centered approach begins. When someone calls me “bud” or “sir,” for example, it strips away my identity. When someone speaks my name, however, that person acknowledges my humanity and recognizes who I am.
Today, person-centered and personalized solutions are gaining momentum in this era of precision outcomes and predictive analytics. Yet, at the heart of this transformative movement is the individual—you, me, and everyone else. A person-centered model is about understanding what makes us who we are: our identities, our desires and our dreams. That approach begins with igniting those flames, whether for past aspirations that move us, or for current goals that fuel our souls.
Imagine you are face-to-face with an individual. A successful wellness culture rests on that premise—a solid foundation of relationships and customer knowledge. It’s why in the latest issue of the Journal on Active Aging? , I delve into the model in my article, “Revolutionize experiences and outcomes with a person-centered approach”.
Serving as a starting point for organizations that yearn to step away from the one-size-fits-all mentality, the article urges customization, enabling staff to tailor wellness offerings closely to the individual. Each person is a unique amalgam of genetics, characteristics, and experiences; and each deserves unique solutions. We are all one of a kind.
You may wonder where person-centeredness will lead your organization. The answer, I think, is both simple and profound: It will lead you to your customers. The outcomes will be a person who feels not just heard but understood; a person whose identity is embraced; and a person whose needs and expectations are fulfilled. And as you celebrate that uniqueness, the person’s dreams and aspirations will take center stage.
It’s vital that, as active-aging professionals, we never overlook the essence of an individual, regardless of all the technological marvels and meticulously crafted programs we employ. If we reduce a person to mere numbers or demographic categories, our efforts will lose their impact. Customer autonomy is key. Choices must be respected.
For this reason, I believe the person-centered approach is more than a trend. This model is the backbone of businesses that prioritize the wants, needs and aspirations of their customers. Within the realm of retail, senior living, hospitality, or any other business, the core principle remains unchanged—focus on your consumer; focus on the individual who seeks a better life.
A person-centered approach involves colliding with individuality and dancing with uniqueness. By creating avenues for people to embrace their distinctiveness, you support results that will lead to a richer, longer existence. Think of the immense value this approach will provide your customers. It’s an opportunity people will pay to access, particularly in a world where self-help proliferates, service wanes, and customer focus dwindles.
Embracing a person-centered model is a lot to contemplate. My article discusses what adopting this new approach could mean for your organization. In essence, though, person-centeredness will translate into one key thing: better outcomes. Your members, your residents, your staff and your organization all stand to gain from the results. And while a happier, healthier populace is a goal worthy of us all in active aging, it’s also good business.
So, no matter the complex strategies and advanced technologies available to us, let’s recognize the power in a name. A simple act of recognition ignites a journey toward genuine person-centeredness. That journey will call you to build relationships, customize offerings and celebrate individuality, as it paves the way to prosperity—for your customer and your business.
Colin Milner,
International Council on Active Aging?