What’s In A Name? Everything! (1)

What’s In A Name? Everything! (1)

Thu, 16 Sep 2021

‘You alone are the Most High over all the earth.’ Psalm 83:18

The Israelites called God Yahweh, a name they thought of as incommunicable and inexplicable. The name means the ‘self-existing one’; the ‘I AM’. He was before all things, the Creator of all things; an awesome but seemingly impersonal, unknowable being. However, God wanted us to know Him in a personal way, so in Scripture He added five revealing titles to the name Yahweh, five word-portraits to help us understand and relate to Him. The Israelites usually discovered the truth of these word-portraits during times of crisis and distress. And they’ll encourage you, too, during your time of need.

Yahweh-Yireh: the Lord will see, the Lord will provide. Abraham was about to sacrifice his son when God provided a lamb as an offering in Isaac’s place. And in response Abraham called God Yahweh-Yireh, the Lord who sees and provides. But it doesn’t just apply to Abraham. The New Testament references many counterparts to the Lord who sees our needs and provides answers. Jesus said, ‘Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.’ (Matthew 6:32 NLT)

Like a caring responsive parent, God sees His children’s needs before they do, and provides the solution. Before their shoes wear out, their father provides new ones. They don’t have to beg, bargain and plead. Maybe you’re wondering how come you don’t always get what you ask for. Because God knows what you really need—you don’t! Think about it: it’s possible for your wants to be gratified and your real needs go unmet. Remember Yahweh-Yireh sees your needs, and because He sees them He will provide for them! It’s that simple!

SoulFood: Lev 16, Lev 23:26–32, Heb 9:1–14, Heb 13:11–16



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