What's in a name?

What's in a name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet."?

William Shakespeare wrote those words in Romeo and Juliet to emphasize the unimportance of names, but we respectfully disagree.

Across the globe, naming is enveloped in tradition and significance. In African cultures, a name is a prophecy, encapsulating the individual's hopes, dreams, and life path. Similarly, in Native American communities, names are bestowed through ceremonial practices, reflecting the individual's character and anticipated journey through life. Couples consistently deep-dive when choosing the name for their newborn because they want it to be a choice that matters.

John Johnson, Principal and Identity Architect of a small studio just had his second child last week, and of course he and his wife had an extensive and intentional deliberation towards choosing the name of their baby. They wanted to provide him with a guide post to look back on; an identity from which he can continue to live life on purpose, and they achieved this brilliantly with the name they agreed upon (John can give more deets on that).

Let's face it, your name is the first word of your story. It is a prediction in summary.

An indication of the future and the journey ahead, so it is not a dismissible bit of identity. Extensive research confirms the outsized influence that naming wields over impressions and outcomes. Several linguistic psychologists argue extensively that brand names with appropriate linguistic symbolism and suggestive meanings increased positive consumer perceptions by over 50% compared to generic names.

The chosen name sets the tone and trajectory for individuals and companies alike, subtly yet profoundly transmitting the core of who you are and what you stand for to the world. Like a resonating symbol, a name can elegantly yet loudly whisper suggestive hints of the unfolding journey ahead.

Naming is both an art and a science, and we really enjoy collaborating with founders across industry verticals to discover the right one for their journey.

Through our creative operating system, Identity Architecture, we carefully extract founder and team insights, elaborately establishing the brand's core values(anchors), target audience, and strategic positioning. With all of the information garnered, we conduct linguistic analysis, cultural context expansion, and market trends study to craft meaningful, memorable, scalable, and, most importantly, authentic names.

We rarely stop at just the name; we extend our expertise to developing a comprehensive visual identity, tone of voice, and strategic positioning. By translating these elements into digital and physical brand assets, we ensure that the name is not just a label but a narrative that unfolds across every brand touchpoint.

So, what’s the story of your name?

We're into small talk, start here.


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