What's in a Name?
Isn't it funny when someone's name tells you what they're like or what they do? There's even a word for it (aptronym). Most of us have encountered humourous examples, like a surgeon called Dr Slasher or a banker called Mr Money. For some reason aptronyms often crop up when companies decide to change their top management. It's almost as if there is a natural law at work, subconsciously influencing the selection process. At any rate corporate decision makers usually seem blissfully unaware of this aspect, or of the mirth it engenders among their customers and business partners.
Today we have an example from International Launch Services (ILS), who have suffered a series of launch failures and evidently felt the need to make some management changes to help restore confidence. How did they set about this? They replaced their previous President, Phil Slack, with a new one, Kirk Pysher.
Oddly enough, it works. Although one might wish that Mr Pysher spelt his name with a "u" rather than a "y", I doubt that I am alone in feeling that things will soon be moving right along at ILS.
Any more fun examples out there?
Communications Specialist
9 年I seized the advantage when I married and changed my name to Smart! A few years ago I nearly went into business with someone whose surname was Perfect as we both felt we couldn't pass up the opportunity of a marketing agency called 'Perfect & Smart' ! :)