What's my purpose?
Photo (c) David Iskander on Unsplash

What's my purpose?

So many people are asking themselves this question right now.

The answer is that you are always in your purpose because everything that you have been doing up until now is required for you to fulfill it.

I know it might feel difficult to wrap your mind around this but there’s is a reason for it:

Before your purpose fully reveals itself, you must create a vision for yourself, and that only happens when you can take a break from the busyness of everyday life and get to a place of stillness where you go within asking yourself powerful questions and wait for the answers to bubble up.

Prepare to be surprised at what shows up because it’s almost always a pretty radical departure from what you have been doing up until now.

Just the other day a successful business owner told me in a candid conversation that what he really wants to do is move to Africa, start another business there and finally write his book...

Why not?

There is no way to know in what wonderful ways his embracing his vision will impact the people he inspires and touches with this decision.

Just imagine if Steve Jobs had said no when the idea of the iPhone first struck him...

Oh, that sounds too complicated and probably is too much work, I think, I'll pass...

Aren't we all glad he was a yes and made the decision to move forward?

Trust that your purpose is equally important because when you step into it, you are going to inspire and touch many people in the most wonderful of ways.

Like a former client of mine who was too shy to step into the spotlight and charge her worth, when we first met. She has since gone on to become a six-figure business owner and is inspiring hundreds of artists with her success story because they see proof in her that the paradigm of the broke artist is a lie. How is that for being on purpose?

Because this is such an important question that is on so many people’s minds, and this is the time to get a head start on the new year, this Saturday, November 5th I’m hosting an interactive live workshop where I’m helping a group of already successful women like yourself create their BIG, uninhibited vision and set their goals for 2023.

And when I say uninhibited, I mean it because we are going to get to the bottom of what you REALLY want and not what you think is possible, that little stretch from what you achieved last year that is so doable...

No, in this workshop we're going BIG because where you are going is going to become your legacy, the mark that you are leaving upon this world.

If you have been wondering what’s next and what more is out there for you, I invite you to join me.

You just might walk away with a big, audacious vision and the outline of a plan that has you excited to start implementing right away.

HERE's where you can join me live.

Let’s create momentum toward your next level of success while you have space and time to focus on yourself before the holiday season is upon us.



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