What's in My Name?

What's in My Name?

What’s in my name??

If that “?” evokes the “what’s in my bag” videos, well, that’s where the similarity ends, and the post begins.

[While I can’t be more oblivious to this theme ( I simply can’t wrap my head around the idea, of why anyone would be curious about what’s in someone’s bag), this post is nonetheless inspired by that theme ( call it opportunistic or whatever)]

Mind you: I’ve been on an SEO diet for too long, today is my cheat meal, so I would go verbose, ravenously. #unapologetic.

Now cutting to the chase!?

I’m Suchismita, the name emerged from juxtaposing two words in Bengali( or Sanskrit??),?

Suchi and Smita.

Suchi means Sacred or Holy and Smita signifies the smile of a woman/girl/she /her.?

Together, that becomes the woman with a holy or sacred smile.

Now, as satisfied as I should be as a mouthful name holder, I simply fall short of a reason to be so.

I wish someone enlightens me with not the meaning, but with what comes of that meaning.

To me, it sounds vague, like a well-intended project that’s all buzz, and no substance. ( don’t smell political here, please)

And while I understand, it made perfect sense for my parents, I surmise their intention behind my christening—they thought this will keep me unsullied for a lifetime.

I suppose they didn’t foresee the upheavals and the experiences I’ll gather, that would threaten to strip that holiness. ( of course, they didn’t, no parents would unless they’re too realistic )?

I think they were too excited and industrious to take up this promising undertaking —raising an entire human being.?

Happy in their core, dreams in their heart, they couldn’t settle for anything less than best for me in their intention. I imagine every parent would do the same unless they’re pure cynics.

Yet I can not not see—their irrational conviction on the influence of a name —their wishful thinking.?

Yes, perhaps they conveniently hoped people would treat me nicely knowing my name for it has a certain pleasant ring to it ( at least some thought so ) and that would sedate their evil side.

Yet what I don’t understand is, what’s that inordinate obsession of parents( talking about mine at least) with this holiness over being practical in the first place?

Because I so wish they hadn’t planted a make-believe world early on, that’s too ideal to be real, it would’ve better equipped me —to survive the real world, acclimatizing with the miseries.

And I can’t fathom how a modicum of holiness in a smile would immunize one from taking the brunt of the ways of the world.?

How does even a not-so-holy smile ignite judgment around a person??

How can a smile of an individual be worth giving the benefit of the doubt?

How a holy name would purge the dormant flaws someone’s born with. Of course, it takes a good nurturing & apt environment to mitigate those.

How even a flash of a smile could give you the premonition about an individual whom you’d do better be away from??

How could you predict ugly people who emanate a goody vibe with their smiles??

Wish life were that plain!?

How I wish reality didn’t hit me as hard as it did to my speckless mind. I wish I could differentiate the innocuous from the seemingly nice people sooner. And I so wish, I realized much early, that only action is the telltale of one’s intention, not sweet talk.

But one thing is for sure, my parents were too busy and couldn’t care less to factor in all these. They were just too well intended to make the name work its magic.

Whether it did or not—it’s on them who dealt, have been dealing, or will deal with me.

What I’m getting at:

A person’s character, behavior, and nature are only evident from their conduct, their action, their integrity, and how they act when no one’s watching / they have none to impress.?


P.S. This post is dedicated to all the people who ever asked the meaning of, who appreciated the uniqueness of ( trust me it’s now not so uncommon btw), who revealed their ethnic prejudice by deriding or mocking, who mispronounced ( intended or unintendedly) —Suchismita.

#sundaythoughts #suchismitaroy #linkedin #linkedinpost #linkedincreator

Garima Behal

Content Editor | Content Team Lead | Copywriter & Content Writer | German Language Expert & Teacher | Ex DSE | Ex SRCC

1 年

This is a great read :) and I am sure it's not easy having all those questions unanswered. I feel people with unique names are uniquely blessed at times, uniquely disadvantaged at others. You summarised it well

Sachin Jha

Story-led Branding For Executives and Leaders on LinkedIn | aquaman @ ocean

1 年

I can't possibly wrap my head around how you sat down and thought and wrote so beautifully about your name (indeed it's amazing, and no I've not heard this name before)! ?? Very well, Suchismita :)

Neetu Kenny

Realist and Blogger

1 年

Well said, Suchismita.

Shekhar Gupta

Co-Founder Air-Aviator l Author l Blogger I Image Consultant for Start-ups CEO'S | Personal Branding Strategist I Career Coach I Life Coach State Director of Madhya Pradesh for the Directorate of Entrepreneurship

1 年

Very important point Suchismita Roy

Raksha Elango

Executive at Syngene International Limited

1 年

That's one of the deepest and most insightful pieces I've read, sounded like it was coming right from your heart! And you're right, a smile can't decide one's character.


