What’s more important in content marketing? Quality or quantity.

What’s more important in content marketing? Quality or quantity.

What’s more important in content marketing? Quality or quantity.

It’s both, but quantity is hugely undervalued right now. Here’s why.

Content marketing is about adding value. Think of it as an equation - the sum of everything you is the value you add to your audience, which then drives your business objectives.

Most people think of it as an equation

Quality = Value

But there’s a factor missing in that equation, a multiplying factor, actually. The real equation for content marketing is

Quality x Quantity = Value

The quantity factor is as important in this equation as the quality one. Most people are much more focused and explicit on how to raise their quality, but they should be as focused and explicit on how to raise their quantity as well.

And you need to find the right combination of those two factors that create the best output. Sure, you could invest in producing the highest quality content possible, but that means you won’t be able to produce as much of it. What happens if you reduce the quality from prefect to pretty good but do twice as much? You have to know what the minimum quality level is that you and your audience find acceptable, but once you hit that you should be trying to drive volume as much as possible.

Quantity also gives you some things that quality doesn’t in modern-day marketing.

1. It lets you fill more of the feed. Content has such a short shelf-life, you need a lot of it to reach and saturate your audience.

2. It gives you more feedback on what’s working, not working. Digital channels offer huge advantages in the data you can get from your audience. More content takes more advantage of that.

3. It gives you more chances to tap into earned media potential. You never know when something will get shared, where the tipping point will be. You can engineer the content as best as possible, but sometimes it comes down to timing and circumstances outside of your control. The more swings you take the more chances you have of hitting a home run.

Quality AND quantity. High volumes of high quantity content. You need to be pushing for both.

Gareth Wood

Outsourced Marketing Services?? Strategic Planning ║ Brand ║ Design and Content to Deliver the Impact and Results You Need

4 年

Quality for us Eric Fulwiler always - targeted and clear. We spend time working each post and making new connections


We also love this debate, Eric Fulwiler. Consistency is the trump card. ??

??Philip M.

Head of Marketing | Web3 | Advisor

4 年

Quality with the right distribution channels.

Ella-Sian Jolley

Director of Marketing and Strategic Growth at Source

4 年

Love this. I've found that doing both, particularly where quantity is concerned allows us to be reactive and responsive - our customers want insights about the things that matter to them quickly and they want to be able to consume it as fast too. Too often, the content that focuses more on quality are long thought pieces, that are interesting (quality!) but consumers need to take the time to read and digest. I love short tail blogs/comment pieces that engage and deliver what our customers need and want at that moment in time.

Natalia Zurowski ACIM

Vice President - Global Technology Strategy, Innovation & Partnerships

4 年

Absolutely agreed! I always say to students who are just starting on LinkedIn for example that content is important but the consistency in which you post is just as key. If you post 2-3x/week vs i.e., 1x/2 weeks, it's a huge difference and you'll generate much more of an engaged audience.



