What's Love Got To Do With It?

What's Love Got To Do With It?

How do you spell love? – – – Piglet
You don’t spell it, you feel it. – – – Pooh
A. A. Milne

Such sage words this young bear spoke into our tiny hearts and souls when we were young and continues to speak into the hearts and souls of children even now. Poor little Piglet. A bit of an anxious fellow, always fussing on something. Pooh, however, aside from the occasional emotional eating binge on honey…Pooh was much more in the present moment.

During the first phase of the?Learn to Love Your Story Personal Development Program, we talk about staying in the present moment through mindfulness practices and how our worth is not based on what we do. Even if that has what we’ve been conditioned to think by society, culture, family, and religion. My programs teach that we are worthy just because we exist. So, what’s LOVE got to do with it? Ah my friends. This is truly one of my favorite parts of personal growth.

Love is not something we do (or spell), it is something we feel as a result of a whole host of things. Do you feel love? Really? Do you FEEL it? Or, are you, like our fettered friend Piglet more worried about how you define it or how it performs? If so, listen to Pooh. Love does not do, love is not a word or an action. It’s much more than that.

Sometimes when we get in touch with what we feel, it transcends words and moves beyond a place of articulation. Instead it moves into incarnation. It is an ethereal and some would say divine force that transforms into our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Stay present. Stay in tune with your feeling. Experience love in all its fascinating forms. It doesn’t always present as joyful, because it is more soulful.

And not only that, Love is an anchor for us. It is a way for us to come back to ourselves. Our love of others, places, things, activities are our anchors to the feeling of being safe, secure, and connected in this world. Love helps us to know there are things that are so much bigger than this moment we find ourselves suffering through.

When we are feeling overwhelmed with stress or negative emotions, it can be really hard to shift perspectives. One way I am teaching how to do this in the?Learn to Love Your Story Personal Development Course?is by anchoring. I have my coaching groups work on making a list of those people, places, and things that help them feel the most grounded in the feeling of being loved. Merely bringing these items to mind can help anchor us back to the present moment.

Try it sometime…bring to mind an event when you felt loved. Make it as real as possible in your minds eye. Use all five of your senses as you bring up the image in your head. It is amazing how quickly your emotions can shift, just by re-experiencing the feeling of being loved and of loving. It’s a neat trick to have up your sleeve.

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