What's Love Got to "Do"? With it? {4}
Love Links Everything! ~ Valerie Miller

What's Love Got to "Do" With it? {4}

January 24, 2020

Dear Sparrow,

One thing I know for sure is, God is love, and HIS word says we are in the reflection of HIM. With that said, to me I am blessed through and through and that "Love links everything!"

Through the power of love, so many things that resides in the heart planted by our almighty HIMSELF, left to be nurtured by me and you too awaiting to flourish in all points of such a beautiful life. The life that dazzles in our minds, hearts and imaginations. Yes, that life! I can only speak for myself; however, I know beyond my knowing my preview of dreams, and visions are indeed true. Smiling is what I do when reminded of the beauty of such an amazing life destined to BE lived by me and me only. The same goes for you too, sparrow. I have always believed that and still do, even more so This Very Moment.

Trust every word and promise spoken or shall I say made by our one and only Love. What HE states is simply truth. When we remember to do all things in graceful love, conscious love encompassing integrity, hope, and belief all things amazing appears in our lives. There is one person the world deems a saint on earth and in the words of this darling woman, Mother Teresa says "Good works are links that form a chain of love." I wholeheartedly concur with sincerity through and through, because as mentioned, love links everything, right?

Of course, you may wonder ... What's love got to do with it?

Well, it has everything to do with it. I'll reiterate, God is love, we are love as well, because we are created in the reflection of him. It's evident to balance our scales in life displayed through our hearts, minds, souls and spirits are linked and aligned in our careers, every relationship, our well-being, and our spiritual faith as one love which captures all areas of life. For this I am grateful to have the realization of this mere fact.

Therefore, sparrow, I have learned and will forever say to you, love in, out of, through and because of "love" because it truly links everything.

Grace & Gratitude!

Valerie Miller

