What's LOVE Got to "Do" with it? {18}
Valerie Miller
Two Time Self-Published Author | I Introduce You To Yourself ?? | Conscious Lifestyle Strategist?? | Public Speaker | Interior Design Consultant
May 1, 2020
Dear Sparrow,
Awareness in reality reveals that all things change over time, time change moment by moment although we cannot see it. The best example is to imagine the hands on a clock as it only tic toc moving forward changing at all times. With that said, we are changing as human beings just the same. Although, life seems to flash by quickly most times as swiftly as the second hand on the clock ticks forward into our next's in life, things are evolving before our eyes just as our lives elevates us simultaneously. How amazing is that?
It's inevitable to change as time doesn't wait, nor slow down, pause or stop. Since the beginning of time, it is continually, progressively, and consistently going, going, and going. We have to incorporate the same perspective conceptually into accepting the benefits and beauty of changing often, every day. When subconsciously focused on the gains of change in love allowing ourselves to grow, embracing all the joy and peace that comes along with the choice of doing so.
You may ask my darling sparrow ... What's Love Got to "Do" with it? And, I'll reply by saying "Everything" as {Love} is and always will be the root of all things guaranteeing life abundantly. I have always said, "Change is necessary, change is great, change is living, change is love on quest focused on destiny; without change, there is no change and without said change what's the point in living, remaining the same?" In truth, we'll never arrive where we're going without doing so.
Therefore, change is the grace we all secretly seek; however, are too afraid to embrace in subtle fear of the fabulous and uncertainty it brings.be the one to say, I am grateful I did in love, and have been introduced to me ~ The BEST & GREATEST part of myself!
Grace & Gratitude!
Valerie Miller