What's LOVE Got to "Do" with it? {11}
Valerie Miller
Two Time Self-Published Author | I Introduce You To Yourself ?? | Conscious Lifestyle Strategist?? | Public Speaker | Interior Design Consultant
March 13, 2020
Dear Sparrow,
We were all created as a magnificent creation only Jehovah God could imagine for each of us to be so unique full of love, beauty, and purpose to live such a vibrant and vital life that each of us have specific birthright instructions to bring to fruition. How beautiful and liberating is that? For us to become who we were born to blossom into ... it requires unveiling the layers of our identity in love of the mystery.
In reality, love is life living it freely while serving in all we do daily for others. With that said, purpose is where we bloom bright and has a lot to do with our direction of our right now presence as well as in our lives past and our future to come. When evolvement is continuously taking place we're reminded of all the changes that's taken place within us exuding on full display every day. Love never fails; however, guides us to the real essence of life we're experiencing within each and every moment as we're changing unbeknownst to our naked eye view.
Life is beautiful, when you can live it in love every day. BEing mindful of associations and connections that are in position to soar us or spiral us in our lives depending on our own consciousness and state of mind of how we have chosen to live purposefully or emotionally.
When pondering what does love have to do with it ... AS always, Love has Everything to do with everything, and with that said "Love is life living it freely daily" this has always been my belief and always will be. We all believe what we believe, right?
Grace & Gratitude,
Valerie Miller