What's it like to be .NET Developer?
What is .NET?
.NET is an open-source software development platform introduced by Microsoft in the year 2002. The first version that was released was .NET Framework ( a software with predefined classes and functions that allow a developer to write codes and create applications) it was an alternative to Java Framework by Sun Microsystems.?
.NET Framework was initially introduced by Microsoft to be used for creating applications on Windows only. However, with time Microsoft launched newer and updated versions of .NET LIKE .NETcore enables adaptability with different platforms like Linux, macOS, etc.
.NET is compatible with languages C#, F#, C++, and VB.NET.
A dot net developer creates applications for the web browsers using preferably C# language.?
.NET platform used to work only for Windows but now with the introduction of ASP.NET, the dot net developer could create applications that can be run on different platforms like Linux, macOS, and Windows.?
A developer has to have a fundamental knowledge of basic tools and features for building an interactive desktop application. For example, there are languages for front-end development like JavaScript, HTML, etc and back-end development languages like Python, PHP, Java, etc. So, an understanding of these languages can help a lot in creating applications on a .NET platform.?