What's a lamp without a Genie?
Alexander Fahie
CEO of "One of Scotland's most interesting AI start-ups" | taisk.com
In the 1992 Disney film Aladdin, we are introduced to Genie - played by the late, great, Robin Williams. Genie is the source of almighty power, but can only exercise it at the command of his master - to whom Genie grants three wishes.
When Aladdin finds the lamp, he sees only a "beaten up, worthless piece of junk". It is only when he rubs off some dust that Genie appears and his wishes can start to be fulfilled.
So, what can we learn from Aladdin, how can we also create a little magic?
To start with we need a Genie and we need a lamp. The team at Ethical Angel have reimagined the Genie as a ‘high-touch service’, understanding needs and granting wishes (though not limited to three). We see the lamp as a ‘powerful digital platform’, an efficient mechanism that easily connects users in a way that adds value to each.
In isolation, each is useful, when combined the results can be magical.
"I don't think you quite realise what you got here!" Genie
The Genies at Ethical Angel work hard to understand and engage our different user types. Whether they be angels (employee volunteers/donors) businesses or causes. In taking the time to talk with them we can ensure that their varied expectations are met, that they keep coming back and that they are happy. Genies are genius, thanks Aladdin.
Happy users form the Ethical Angel community and through them our network expands, reaching more people and organisations. Since the beginning of 2019 the number of angels on EA has grown by 566%, businesses by 500% and causes by 41%, and it isn’t even the end of February yet!
We love our Genie and lamp approach - if you'd like to learn more, just talk with us at [email protected] - to see if we can help you with a little magic.
Alexander is the Founder and CEO of Ethical Angel, a high-touch service with powerful technology that develops and engages employees through community outreach. More information can be found at www.ethicalangel.com.