What's On July
Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC)
Ensuring all infrastructure delivers social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits
ISC Connect Australia
Purchase your ticket today
For more information, speakers and to view our conference program, click below.??Register Now
ISC Annual Awards
ISC Annual Awards - 7 September, 2023.?
Applications for our 2023 ISC Annual Awards to be held in Melbourne are now open.?
IS v2.1 Planning Tool
IS v2.1 Planning Tool
We are excited to announce the IS v2.1 Planning Rating Technical Manual is on display for your information and review until 31 August 2023. The Technical Manual includes the IS v2.1 Strategic Planning Rating (pilot) and the IS v2.1 Detailed Planning Rating. Registrations for IS v2.1 Planning Ratings will open in September 2023. If interested in the IS v2.1 Strategic Planning Rating Pilot, please contact [email protected].?
We would also like to acknowledge and thank?GHD?for their role and valuable contribution in assisting with the update of the IS v2.1 Planning Rating Technical Manual.
The technical manual is available on our ISAP Resources page and for more information click below.
IS Planning Training??
Already an ISAP?
Attend this training to understand how sustainability can be embedded from the outset through the application of the IS Planning Rating (v2.1). Proponents & projects will share how they implemented the IS Planning rating, and the outcomes that were enabled for design & build.
Participants will leave able to:
Register now and secure your place today!
Member Content Contribution
Annual Sustainability Report
We are pleased to share with our community a member insights article presented by ISC member?361 Degrees Strategic Engagement & Communications?an Annual Sustainability Report
To read?the full report, Click here
Upcoming Learning Courses
Upcoming Learning Courses?See all
Enrol any time
21st?& 23rd?June - Limited spaces available
IS v1.2 Design & As-Built Accreditation?13th?June - Spaces available
28th?June -?FULL 30th?June - Spaces available
IS for Executives?A co-curated, in-house workshop
IS for Managers A bespoke team training
ISAP Renewal
Aren due to renew?
New Renewal exam now available.??Learn More
Join us at our upcoming events
Upcoming events?See all
26 July | 12:00PM (AEST)?IS Essentials Information Session?Join us for an Information Session on our new product and rating tool - IS Essentials.
10 August | 5:00PM (ACST)?The Future of Sustainable Infrastructure in SA?Join us for a Networking Event, kindly supported by Mott MacDonald.
People Update
Our Team
"The ISC welcomes Amin Niazai to the Technical Team as a Senior Technical Advisor. Amin is an experienced professional in forestry, environmental sustainability, and climate change with a PhD degree in forest ecology and climate change science. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the areas of sustainable forest management, environmental policy, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. With his extensive experience and advanced academic credentials, He is well-positioned to lead impactful initiatives that drive positive change in critical areas within ISC. Welcome Amin!
???Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou Māori ???
Happy Matariki. We are delighted to join in the celebration of Matariki, the Māori New year. Matariki is traditionally a celebrated mid winter when the Matariki cluster of stars appear in the night sky - with the brightness of the stars treated as a portent for successful crops in the coming season.
Click below to know about the star and its cluster, when it rises, what it means, and how to pronounce it.