- Arianna Aunon -


The reason we stay stuck with our health for months, years even decades is because 1 or all 6 of these toxins are hanging out inside you.

They are plaguing humanity worldwide, 

and because we can't see them, 

we're left unaware of their impact on our health, 

never educated on the importance of health in our 'so called' education system, 

education meaning 

'an enlightening experience' -

which our education system is far from,

it's more like a brainwashed system 

to feed us BS, 

so we learn about the battle of whatever in wherever!!

Totally pointless to or current evolution and expansion, 

So when we leave these 6 toxins inside us, causing turmoil and pain in our body, our organs, creating more and more weight gain, exhaustion, thyroid imbalances, immune destruction, bloating, brain fog, stress, and cellular disruption,

they lead to major health issues- like heart disease, alzheimer's, diabetes, auto-immune, and even cancer,

So, what are these 6 toxins I'm talking about -





Heavy metals 


Parasites can live inside you for years, so often missed on tests, feeding of your blood supply (your life force) causing major hormone imbalances, weight gain, exhaustion, bloating, brain fog, body pain, mood changes, sluggishness, sugar cravings,

90% of human exposure to dioxins come from animal products, such as diary, meat, fish and shellfish, these lead to infertility, endometriosis, hormonal cancers, weight gain, fatigue, 

Heavy metals are stored in our tissues for years, damaging your whole body and mind, ruining your physical, mental, emotional and energetic health, leading to massive toxic build up and overflow - which leads to major chronic ill-health, struggle, feeling stuck, depressed, and lacking energy, and attracting more of the toxic 6 to you, 

because the more toxins you have inside you, the more you will attract to you - we have to get them out!

It's not IF you have these toxins, 

It's how much, and for how long have you had them hanging out inside your precious body, 

Our bodies need to be nourished correctly, purified and taken care of everyday, 

and if they're not, 

symptoms and disease are the byproduct, 

and always be!

I was in total denial years back with my own health, thinking it was all going to just go away, 

I was scared of change, 

I had never been educated on these toxic 6

(Until I went on my deep dive journey over the last decade plus)

totally misinformed, 

the struggle didn't go way, 

it got worse and worse and worse, 

Then I decided to listen!

When I couldn't take anymore,

Once I had a body full of disease- chronic disease, pain, struggles, exhaustion, hypothyroid, autoimmune-

My message to you now, 

Is don't wait,

Don't wait any longer 

How long have you already been waiting?


long enough,

It's your time,

It's your time to heal now 

Act now on your health 

There is nothing more important than your wellbeing,  

Because without it, everything else falls part,

It's your foundation for the life you desire and deserve, 

So step up now, and take your health back!

Commit to your freedom

Shine in your beautiful body,

When you rid your body of the toxic 6, 

all your symptoms will go

and optimal health returns and reawakens,

it's the byproduct,


It's possible for you, 

It's possible for us all!

Having reversed and cured myself of hypothyroid, autoimmune, anxiety, weight gain, exhaustion, body pain, brain fog, hair loss, skin issues, and chronic PMS,

I know it's possible for you,

We are no different, 

We are all here to HEAL,

All you need is to say YES to your LIFE!



(TIME) It's never the right time, the time is now, 

start today...

By ridding your body of the mucus, heavy metals, bad bacteria, parasites, viruses and dioxins, 

Just as I did, and just like my clients are doing, 

You can be free to thrive in your body and life, 

I had all 6 toxins, and it's very likely you may have too if you're experiencing any of the symptoms I've discussed here-

To eliminate the toxic 6, you must -

Eat more plant-based foods & less animal products (fruits, vegetables, quinoa, brown rice, nuts, herbs, potato)

Purify your blood & life through detox 

Give yourself time & space to do it

Connect to Mother Earth, ground & cleanse 

Come back to your feminine body, come home 

As these toxic 6 start to leave your body,

you will experience rapid shifts in awakening, 

It's different for everyone, because we're all so unique, 

it's about trusting the process and not jumping to the comfort programming of sticking to what you know, 

It's when we stick to what we 'think we know', 

instead of 'truth',

we stay at a place of stagnation in our bodies, 

a place of resistance to change, 

Certain plant-based foods have profound information we ALL need for our evolution,

The letting go of these toxins will allow you to, 

feel more alive than ever before(what you think might be alive, is likely to be so far from Truth), clearer, energised, 5-30lbs lighter, more peaceful and centred in yourself, 

you will let go of the stress, and welcome

In a totally new vibration in your body, where you live free and aligned- in your divine skin, 

I'm not saying this happens over night,

No it doesn't, it's about beginning, 

if you desire to live your best life, 

your most alive life, 

your most body connected, 

earth connected life, 


You must begin ...

this process of clearing out the toxic 6 took me years of discovery, research, detoxing and purifying myself - to be the clear channel for others to receive this guidance in weeks, 

this is for me, for you, 

and for the evolution of social change for the health of our planet, 

We have to step up


Be bold

Be courageous

And take a stand for our bodies, 

our health, 

our wellbeing, 

our planet, and what we desire to feel, 

Trust yourself X

PS. To find out more about openings for 2019 on my bespoke body awakening programs you can private message me.

PPS. The Body Awakening Ibiza 2019 is coming up!

The Body Awakening Ibiza

Next dates : 4-10 April

Very Limited Space. 

Get your space now. 

1 week in magical Ibiza to eliminate the toxic 6

Detox, cleanse, purity - body, mind & soul

Physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically 

Reset, repair, recharge, rekindle & reawaken 

Plus 4 months of bespoke 1on1 support, guidance, and your badass accountability partner (Me??)-to support you making your dream vision-your living reality,

(You'll start 1-2 months before Ibiza to prepare your body for maximum results)

Interested PM me. 

Award-Winning UK 2018

Founder The Body Awakening Ibiza.

Womens Health. Health Activist. Plant-Based Nutritionist. Bioresonance Body Scanning Operator. Next Level Detox. 

#detox #health #hypothyroid #women #femaleleaders #body #treatment #wellness


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