Peter Collins
Mentor ~ Coach ~ Acclaimed Author ~ Sales Strategist ~ Closing Specialist - High End Sales Trainer
What's important to you?
We believe this document is unique. Extremely unique. And you will agree with that statement as you begin to work your way through it.
In short, it has been designed to allow us to understand a little of what you know and what you believe are the area’s of marketing of importance to you and how you believe they will effect your business over certain given time frames.
So why do we want you to complete this document as one of the first you work on. That’s simple. We want to know what you know and what you believe to be fact. The more you divulge, the faster we can focus of what we need to do to accelerate your progress.
Here are a few other things you should consider. If you learn and successfully apply only one new concept, you will receive your investment back many times over. Then over the next 12 months we’ll provide you with numerous ideas, so it stands to reason your investment should nett you returns amounting to many, many times more than expended.
But here’s a point of warning as you progress over the next 12 months. Never simply pick up snippets here and there as information before you start applying it. If used correctly, this especially prepared seminar series will help you achieve your goals and align you to get to where you would like to go.
Here a few suggestions that could help us both as you work your way through any or all of the documents, books, workshops and debriefing sessions over the next 12 months and beyond.
- WRITTEN REVIEWS - It is a known fact that knowledge precedes action otherwise action is nothing more than rote motion.
- IDEA, HUNCH & INSPIRATION GENERATION - If when reading, reviewing your documents, attending workshops or in open discussion with any of our crew you do not get a new idea, hunch or inspiration - your eyes and ears may be open, but your brain may not be. Idea generation should be automatic if you are actively involved in what is being digested. So when an idea, any idea comes to mind write it down and include it for discussion as soon as the opportunity arises. If you can’t wait - send us an email.
- DISCUSS YOUR IDEAS WITH OTHERS - Two brains are not only better than one, but when you "bounce" your ideas off someone else in general you will achieve at least twice as much in about a half of the time. Networking is encouraged amongst our members and allows you to “test” your thoughts with others before you contact us for our reviews and opinions
- DON'T EVER OVERLOOK THE BASICS - With most people, the tendency to overlook basics and fundamentals are almost automatic. Sometimes even the most experienced practitioners can react unfavourably towards fundamentals - even though they may remind and encourage others to periodically return to basics. We cannot read or write effectively without knowing the alphabet. Marketing should be approached the same way.
- SET SPECIFIC & ATTAINABLE TIME LIMITS TO YOUR LEARNING PROGRAMME IMMEDIATELY - No goal can be set nor accomplished without a time limit. The trick here is not to set unrealistic goals. Work on one, two, three or up to five concepts or ideas at the one time before you progress. In time, your progress will be measured by your results out in the field. But this too must be done with specifically purposed goals aligned to appropriate and carefully programmed time limits.
Each day it is estimated the average consumer is bombarded with around 100 television commercials (while watching only around four hours of television), hears 35 radio commercials, sees something like 200 newspaper ads and receives between 3 to 10 direct mail letter-box leaflets.
Add to that personally addressed promotional mail, magazines, trade journals, newspaper inserts and even the occasional telemarketing call, and you get a truer picture of how many people are out there competing for with you either for new customers or to gain the attention, interest and dollars of those you regard as your well-looked-after existing customers.
In fact, the average consumer is bombarded with around 1,700 advertisements each day, yet can only recall around 2. Therefore, it stands to reason that for you to win in this intense competitive environment you need all the help you can get.
So please, help us (and yourself) by completing each of the questionaries within the time frame suggested.
Created by Peter Collins in 1996 and updated in 2002. Edited and revised by Bob Pritchard in 2002.
ISBN 0 646 299070 0 ? First Copyright registered 1996, reregistered 2002, Sydney, Australia
This document is subject to the laws of ? Copyright and cannot be reproduced in any way without the written consent of the Author.
Peter can be contacted through his website – profitmakersales.com
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Peter Collins Profile: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/peter-collins-95b6b8105?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile
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