What's Hot in Glasgow - November 5, 2021

What's Hot in Glasgow - November 5, 2021

During COP26, WWF will provide a daily “What’s Hot” newsletter with updates on the negotiations, news, announcements and press conferences.


  • Another session will be held today for parties to suggest content to the UK Presidency for the so-called cover decisions. This must include enhancement of ambition and a pivot toward implementation. A number of governments, including Switzerland, have called for formal recognition of the role of nature in securing a 1.5C pathway.
  • There will be a new draft text for Article 6 today for further discussions on this hot topic. India called for a full carry over of CDM credits, known as certified emission reductions (CERs), which would blow a hole in the ambition of the Paris Agreement.
  • Negotiations under the two subsidiary bodies will finish today Friday, with some issues unresolved and now to be taken forward by the Chairs of the SBI and SBSTA, including common time frames for NDCs and Second Periodic Review of the Long Term Global Goal.


Watch the UNFCCC live streams here


WWF leaders are on the ground in Glasgow watching everything unfold—here are their reactions to the latest proceedings.

  • In response to the launch of an ADB partnership to shift to renewable energy in Southeast Asia, Vanessa Pérez-Cirera, WWF Global Deputy Lead Climate & Energy said: “Countries must commit to an energy transition that leaves no-one behind. This new mechanism from ADB shows a good understanding of the urgent need to replace coal with renewable energy in a way that provides a just shift for those affected. As evidence is showing, if well managed, this transformational change can be not only good for climate and nature, but also creates more and better jobs and higher competitiveness.”
  • On the announcement by over 40 countries that they will end their use of coal power, Katie Treadwell, Energy Policy Officer at WWF European Policy Office said: "This is a moment of truth for Poland and the EU. Coal is on its way out, and fast! Yet some communities don't seem to have got the message: eight out of the 14 local EU just transition plans assessed by WWF include coal past 2030. These must be updated urgently, so communities can start planning for a fairer and sustainable future."


6 Nov: UK COP26 Presidency Policy Action Agenda.

  • The Policy Action Agenda identifies a range of concrete actions that both state and non-state actors can take to repurpose public support to agriculture. Alongside endorsing member states, WWF is listed as an endorsing non-state actor. WWF experts available for comment.

6 Nov: Outcome of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture:

  • Outcome expected on the process. Koronivia was established at COP23 and is the only dedicated process to advance discussions on agriculture in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The mandate is due to expire at COP26 and the outcomes of the process will be reported. WWF experts available for comment.

8 Nov: ADAPTATION and Loss & Damage day at COP26:



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Twitter: @ClimateWWF

What's hot is the amount of private jets flying everyone to this event, and all of the motorcades... It's a joke...



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