What’s Holding You Back?
Andy Walter
The Thought Architect for Industry Leaders - Developing businesses by changing the way people think.
Just one of the questions most of us find it difficult to answer, in fact most people never ask themselves because they have no idea where they want to go, or what kind of person they would like to be, worse still most people think they are pretty good as they are thanks very much and why the hell should they change.
Sound familiar? It should that’s around 80% of the world’s population, and to me that’s very scary indeed, to think this is as good as I will ever be, this is all I will ever achieve, know, or contribute is depressing, which is why I am obsessed with being better and achieving more and still things hold me back.
I connect with people everyday who are convinced they are already good enough to overcome the challenges they are facing every day, systemise or grow their business, the same challenges day after day without ever truly solving them, and that’s after they have been doing their current best for years, YEARS, and still they think it is not them it is something else, the customers, the market, the economy, or just the way it is.
I will never convince these people there is a better way, no one can, only they can realise that what they currently believe to be true is the very thing that prevents them fulfilling their dreams, otherwise known as limiting beliefs.
If people were already good enough to fix their problems, grow their business or achieve their dreams, they would already be there, or very nearly there, if you are one of those people I salute you, if you just lied to yourself that you are good enough then welcome to the 80%
There is some good news though, anyone, and I mean anyone can overcome this, anyone can grow and grow, if they want to, and that is the main sticking point I find, people do not want to do the work.
They are happy to work 60, 70 or even 80 hours a week running a business because they are used to it and it’s a comfortable place to be, not easy just what they are used to, but they are not prepared to spend the time, money and effort to improve themselves and their business to fix that problem and get the same results from 40 or even 30 hours a week, heaven forbid they would ever believe that they could have the same income with no hours worked
Be honest with yourself for a change, there are people who achieve that every day, the freedom to work when they want, buy what they want, do what they want, when they want to do it.
What you believe about money, people, the world will drive how you think, how you think drives what you do, what you do is getting you the results you are getting today, if you don’t want anything else in life than you have today, congratulations.
If you still have some things you want to do and you still have some dreams to fulfil then change your thinking.
The 80% do this.
Your Beliefs => Drive Your Thinking => Drives Your Actions = Your Results
The top 20% of people in the world do this and they earn 82.67% of the every penny that is made in the world.
What Results do I want => What Actions Do I Take => What to Think = What I Believe
This is what I spend my time with my clients doing, making sure they get the results they really want.
If you want to know how get in touch .
I provide asset and working capital finance to SME businesses via a funding panel with an appetite to lend.
1 年Andy a fascinating piece, but what grabs me is that those that accept the challenge will not be competing for growth with most businesses, but the minority, significantly increasing their chances of success.