What's happening this week - 10/18/2024
Weekly Roundup: Let Ratio Help You Prepare for The Week
8 exclusive challenges, DHS commercialization opportunity, 7 upcoming events, and so much more!
Open challenges:
Submit NLT 11/15/2024
Submit NLT 10/25/2024
Submit NLT 10/30/2024
Submit NLT 10/31/2024
Submit NLT 1/10/2025
Submit NLT 01/31/2025
Submit NLT 05/22/2025
Submit NLT 06/30/2025
USSOCOM Small Business PEO Roundtable
The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is hosting a Virtual Small Business Roundtable on 10/21/2024 from 2:00:00 PM-4:00:00 PM Eastern. Government participants will be the Director of the Enterprise Information Support (EIS) Directorate, Director of Procurement, and Director of the Office of Small Business Programs. This session will be hosted virtually. Connection details will be provided upon selection to attend.
Commercialization Opportunity
Explosive Threat Mitigation Unit
This innovation is a lightweight, rapid deployment device that can enclose suspicious items and contain potential detonation fragments to protect surrounding people and property.
Full roundup: https://conta.cc/4ha37kz
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Please let HSWERX know if you need further information on the DHS commercialization opportunity. Thanks for sharing all these opportunities!