What’s happening in the Motor Fleet Market
Momentum Broker Solutions
Partnering with over 100 independent brokers throughout the UK.
An update from Matt Brunton (Broking Director)
The motor insurance market has continued to harden notably (and vocally!) in the consumer space but of course the impact is equally evident in the motor fleet market.
The changing landscape is attributable to a number of factors. Initially during 2021 and 2022 insurers underwriting profit increased because of the reduced road usage and subsequent accident frequency. Post-pandemic, of course, claims frequency has risen in line with increased usage.
In addition, a number of factors have combined to provide a perfect storm in the marketplace. These include:
Darren Lancashire (Senior Commercial Motor Underwriter at AXA) comments that the motor market generically remains extremely challenging with a significant claims inflation trend.
?“This is feeding through into the Fleet Market which continues to harden as a result and the need for corrective pricing post pandemic. With the Discount Rate due to be reviewed in 2024, our expectation is that the current market conditions will prevail well into 2024”.
We have seen a major insurer exit the corporate fleet arena and another pause writing new business. However, it is not all bad news, there is no lack of competition for new business where the claims experience is good and there are positive risk management features in place. Although generally Insurers are looking for rate increases of between 10% and 15% there is scope for well performing fleets.
Lynn Anthony (Underwriting Performance Manager at Aviva) acknowledges the motor insurance market is a dynamic and competitive sector that is influenced by various factors such as changes in regulations, advancements in technology, emerging risks, and consumer behaviour.
“The challenges we have been facing around claims inflation, supply chain shortages, economic pressures and disruption from world events will continue into 2024. The Whiplash Tariff and Judicial College Guidelines are expected to be revised in 2024 also with potentially significant increases to reflect heightened inflation over the last few years”.
Following on from Lynn’s comments, I firmly believe that - as brokers - we now must work closer with our client to provide more detailed submissions to the insurance market. We also need to educate our clients as to the importance of embracing risk management as to create more interest in insuring their business and mitigating the cost of doing so. It also helps to educate them on the importance of driver training and adoption of in-vehicle technology.
This view is supported by Thomas Bennett (Senior Motor Fleet Underwriter at Allianz):
“As an underwriter, it’s hugely important to see a strong culture towards fleet risk management particularly given the backdrop of current market pressures impacting increased claims costs”.
So what can businesses do to mitigate the costs of insurance?
In a challenging insurance market, it is more important than ever that brokers adopt a proactive approach in partnership with insurers to ensure that clients achieve the best possible outcome. This is a collaborate effort. Go to them with fresh ideas – you never know where the conversation will take you.