The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields
The Connection at St Martin's works with homeless people in London to discover their strengths and rebuild their lives.
This summer has been anything but ordinary. 2023 saw one of the wettest Julys on record while 2022 saw one of the driest. This month we’re seeing higher temperatures while the rest of Europe is recovering from scorching, record-breaking heat.
The Met Office believes that this extreme and uncertain weather is the result of climate change, stating ‘climate change has already influenced the likelihood of temperature extremes in the UK [this summer]’.
Constantly unpredictable weather patterns affect all of us. We’ve all been caught out on a seemingly sunny day that quickly turns into drizzle.
But what about people with no permanent access to shelter? Without the protection a home provides against the elements, people sleeping rough are put at a heightened risk of illness and, in serious cases, death.
Read the full story here: https://www.connection-at-stmartins.org.uk/news-item/climate-change-and-homelessness/