What’s going wrong with the Business Case for SAP HANA?

What’s going wrong with the Business Case for SAP HANA?

A former boss of mine once told me ‘so what?’ is one of the most useful questions you can keep up your sleeve.  His view was if people can’t answer that properly when you ask, at the very least you won’t waste your time with them.  I’m clearly paraphrasing a conversation from a few years ago but it was, and remains, fantastic advice.  It’s also really very relevant when thinking about how one justifies any investment in SAP HANA.

Last week SAP released some data regarding the adoption of HANA across their customer base.  Despite the positive spin, and without getting into questions around what percentage of these figures actually represent live operational systems, the numbers are still a very small percentage of their global footprint.  To loosely quote from an article on the Business Insider website, the basic HANA database offering has 6,400 customers out of a base of 291,000 (that’s around 2% if you can’t be bothered to do the maths), and around 370 customers have taken up the S4 HANA offering since its release.    Considering the airtime SAP have been giving it over the last couple of years; why hasn’t there been greater adoption?

I don’t think solution immaturity, perceived or otherwise, is the answer.  SAP HANA has been out there nearly five years in one form or another and now represents a mature enterprise offering - for example latest the Support Pack Stack for HANA has technical content aimed at bringing HANA’s resilience up to an acceptable standard to close down some the criticisms levelled at HANA from the likes of Oracle.

There is also reasonable implementation capability available across the market.  At Capgemini we’re seeing more and more work in this space every day and there’s real demand for our people with SAP HANA experience and expertise. We have great people who understand this stuff…and much as it irks me to say it…so do some of our competitors.

So, if it’s sound from the technology standpoint and there’s the know-how available to deploy it, why the slow uptake?

I think it’s down to the fact that we’ve all struggled when the business says ‘OK it’s quicker…but so what?’  Up to this point the good answers have been few and far between so the investment decisions simply haven’t been made.  I’d be interested to know how many of the 6,400 customers above are stuck at the pilot stage and are trying to work out whether they want to go further or not.

This clearly hasn’t gone unnoticed and last year SAP commissioned Forrester to do a cost-based analysis of HANA using their Total Economic Impact (TEI) methodology.  Aside from the fact I don’t think it’s a particularly good piece of work, the main flaw is that it focusses solely on technology driven cost savings and there is nothing a CFO, COO, CMO or anyone outside IT would care about anywhere in the paper.  It’s simply a (bad) sell to a CIO.

For me this paper typifies why it’s been so hard to justify investment in SAP HANA. Our arguments always seem to be technical and there is little true business justification and this is where we’ve collectively been getting it wrong.  We’re missing out the most important bits of the argument, the part where we explain the ‘so what’ to a CxO outside of the IT function.  And before anyone says it, the simple ‘one shot uses cases’ or process improvement suggestions from a BSR report don’t count as a real business justification I’m afraid.

This all paints rather a bit of dark picture...so do I think it's possible to create a credible business case for SAP HANA?


The methods to create a business case and measure the benefits for a programme of work are well understood and documented – so use them. They’ll force the creation of decent answers to the questions the business will ask because the their perspective is the primary consideration rather than the technology angle. The technical experts from SAP or your favourite SI are a great bunch, but they won’t be able to provide all the ammunition needed for a compelling business case. They will only ever represent one of the benefits streams that must be considered, clearly that’s unlikely to give you the whole case for change. 

For our own part we’ve great experience of justifying investment for the new SAP technologies - an example is the User Experience work we’ve been doing - and I have a small team applying that understanding to the HANA question as we speak. I will update you all when that work is completed…so watch this space!

So, based on my experience and discussions with some very clever people who are doing this stuff for real, the things to bear in mind when trying to create a business case for SAP HANA are:

  1. It’s not all about the technology - quantifiable business benefits need to be at the centre of any argument. It’s very unlikely you will be able to create an entire benefits case for a move to HANA based solely on the technical arguments.  There will be exceptions to this rule – but I don’t expect them to represent the majority of cases.   And given all the cool solutions that are available now from SAP, I suspect any programme will involve the implementation of more than one type of technology anyway, and they will all have to be justified.  So, those technology arguments focussed on HANA will still need to be included…but they just got a little less important. 
  1. Your single killer application for SAP HANA probably won’t cut it. A business case has to demonstrate exactly how technology can be used to create business benefit so there won’t likely be a single argument.  Think about it…how many single line business cases make it through an organisation’s approval process?  I believe the truly compelling transformation cases will involve the quantification and aggregation of benefits from across different areas of the transformation (and in all probability the different technologies that underpin them).
  1. Be careful what types of benefits are included. The intangible ‘blue-sky’ stuff is still really important but you mustn’t try to pay for your programme with it.  You need to frame a tangible and quantitative argument that explains what the business will get day 1 after deployment.  In my estimation justifying an investment on HANA based on anything other than immediate benefits is tantamount to buying a sports car on a high-interest credit-card…probably a risk not worth taking.
  1. But do be aware some of your arguments may evolve the more you learn so you need to be flexible. In the work we’re doing with our clients we’re seeing that sometimes the benefits cases can’t necessarily be fully complete when we put them together.  The technology is moving so quickly you need to be prepared to cover some areas at a later date and this is posing an interesting challenge within the models - reporting strategy for Simple Finance is a great example of this.  So yes, justify with the benefits you know but also you’ll need to build in some flexibility as you should expect the benefits case to evolve even if you can’t fully articulate how just yet. 

Finally, I’d just like to say that we, as a community of SAP professionals and users, need to stop being blinded by the technology and start answering the proper ‘so-what’ questions the business will ask us before loosening the purse strings.  Once we do that – the arguments will improve; the business cases we create will become credible and compelling; then we’ll see a HANA trickle become a flood. 

Technology is important, it’s the lifeblood of our industry.  But if we can’t articulate a ‘so what’ to people like my old boss – we all may as well go home now.

(Note:  I’d like to thank Alex Bennell for helping me kick the ideas about for this piece and one or two of his excellent observations have been included)


Wynand Van Tonder

Senior SAP Basis Technical Architect at KochaSoft

9 年

Great post Tim - Thank you My 10 cents worth would be: The moment you can align the technology with a true business benefit\s that will propel the company forward - The closer you can align an existing " company specific "problem to a SAP HANA solution - The closer you are to finalizing your Business case and ultimately obtaining the necessary approval from your respective Execs. Our BW\ERP on HANA POC has followed similar trends and have also reached points where we struggled to identify additional benefits "other than the obvious speed\response improvements" Only after looking @ problems in business, we could work our way back to possible solutions that benefit business ( not IT ) Our business case is a work in progress, but with the help of forums\posts like these; SAP JAM and value maps - Our path to go live is around the corner.

Mark Kerr

Principal at Langbar Consulting Services

9 年

I wonder what counts as a 'slow take up' of a radical new database technology?I am old enough (sigh) to remember when Relational DBs (Oracle, DB2, etc) first came in to replace legacy hierarchical ones like IBM's IMS. I don't recall a single enterprise client porting an existing operational application from IMS to DB2 based on a business case around how much better relational technology was... Even use for new applications took a while. Read only 'data warehouse' applications came first and some clients took a while to even make that step.


Tim, A great item, none of us in the SAP platform community would dispute the long term benefits of the simplification that solutions like S/4 HANA Simple Financials promise, however when we drill into the reality of many current SAP HANA deployments these are often based on "side car" analytical accelerators (CO PA, ML Accelerators, and/or SAP BW etc). Then when we look carefully at the cost / benefits and/or TCO case for core transactional platforms (which often include complex Manufacturing / MRP, Sales Order Processing and/or Supply Chain functions sitting within a broader portfolio of core applications). It then becomes clear that a new SAP S/4 HANA "read optimised" template is required to ensure the promised HANA benefits are realised vs existing proven alternatives. At this stage many clients are then looking at complex application driven change and release inter-dependicies in conjunction with a significant, time consuming and costly roll out project (unless they already have the benefit of being able to start out over again with a brand new HANA optimised application template). From my PoV this is where very careful "so what" TCO / TCA analysis is then required to get below it's x times faster and new technology messaging. Tim

Henry Cook

Research Director at Gartner

9 年

Tim, great post, a comment I'd make is "what you've never had you never miss" and often people miss the point because it is now possible to solve existing problems and new problems in new ways, it is not simply about doing things the old way faster or cheaper. In my experience when looked at the right way, and when we've identified the right problem to solve it is very easy to make a case for HANA. This is often based, not on speed and IT but on the fundamental simplification that HANA enables, and this translates into three areas in business cases; Productivity, Agility and TCO. Happy to discuss.

Barry Hurley

Vice President UK&I Oracle Applications

9 年

Is this not basic selling? Help the client succeed as opposed to selling functions. Your examples can and should be applied to any sales cycle.



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