What's going on in Saudi Arabia
Adnan Halawi
Data Analytics for Sustainable, Islamic Finance & Emerging Markets Investors, London Stock Exchange Group
If you have missed out on the latest developments and announcements out of Saudi Arabia, at least those aiming at liberating women, diversifying the economy and achieving the Saudi Vision 2030, here is a timeline of some of the steps taken over the past few months.
1- Cinemas will be allowed from early 2018
2- Women allowed to enter sports stadiums in 2018
3- Apple and Amazon in talks to set up in Saudi Arabia
4- Saudi 2020 and the plan to attract tourists
5- Seeking Islamic tourism boost in test for heritage, tradition
6- Lift ban on internet calls
7- Issue tourist visas starting 2018
8- Training first women air traffic controllers
9- A $500 billion new city called NEOM on the Kingdom’s Red Sea coast
10- Women to be allowed to drive from age 18, same as men
11- Saudi women will also be allowed to drive motorcycles
12- Give foreign investors full access to parallel stock market
13- Saudi industrial city plans jazz festival as reforms take hold
14- First robot citizen!
15- Introduce physical education for schoolgirls
I hope you liked this recap, more can be found on Salaam Gateway and My Salaam