What's in a (file) name?
XKCD https://xkcd.com/1459/

What's in a (file) name?

Have you ever downloaded a file from a B2B or B2C system, only to find it named something like "export_final_v2(1)_copy.xlsx"? You know, the kind of file name that makes you question your sanity and the entire product team behind it. It's as if product managers worldwide have collectively decided to embrace selective amnesia when it comes to naming files—much like in that XKCD comic about naming. I mean, who needs meaningful file names when you can have a cryptic string of characters that adds a little mystery to your day, right?

I confess I've fallen into the file-naming trap myself. Picture this: It's late, deadlines are looming, and I've got a file to save. My brain goes blank, and I hastily slap on a name like "project_final_FINAL(3).docx," fully aware that future me will have no idea what this file contains. It's a vicious cycle, much like the one depicted in this PHD Comics strip, where file names evolve into an incomprehensible mess over time.

But let's get back to those random or gibberish file names we encounter in professional systems. It's almost as if the developers thought, "You know what's fun? Making our users play a guessing game every time they download something!" And don't even get me started on banks and fintech sites. You'd think handling money would inspire a bit more attention to detail, but nope—here's your "stmt(12).pdf" to add to the clutter.

So, do we really need to worry about something as trivial as a file name? In a word: Yes. Details matter. Attention to detail is what separates a good product manager from a great one, and it's these little things that enhance the user experience.

Let's break it down. What makes a good file name? How can we, as product managers or developers, craft file names that are not only valid but also make sense to the user? Trust me, it's not rocket science, and it doesn't require a PhD in nomenclature.

First, consider the principle of content hierarchy. Think of it as arranging information from the most important to the least important. This gives us a basic structure for our file name:

[Priority1 Info][Priority2 Info][...][PriorityN Info].extension        

So how do we determine what's "Priority 1" information? Good news—you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Your product likely already has a navigation hierarchy or breadcrumbs that users follow to reach a particular page or feature. Use this existing structure to inform your file naming.

For example, most products are divided into top-level functions or menus. This can serve as your Priority 1 information. The specific page or feature can be Priority 2, and any user-specific actions like filters can be Priority 3. Applying this, our naming convention starts to take shape:


Already, this is leaps and bounds better than a random GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) like "a9b8c7d6e5f4g3h2i1.xlsx" that tells you absolutely nothing. Speaking of GUIDs, unless you're a developer debugging an issue, they have no place in a user-facing file name. If you need a reminder of how absurd GUIDs can be, check out this GUID generator. Fun times.

But wait, there's more! Consider adding your product name at the beginning to make your file name even more user-friendly. This not only aids in brand recognition but also helps users quickly identify where the file came from. Additionally, use separators like hyphens (-) and underscores (_) to improve readability. Now our file name looks like this:

[ProductName] - [TopLevelFunction]_[FeaturePage]_[UserFilters].extension        

At CloudNuro.ai, we follow a similar convention:

CloudNuro.ai - [ApplicationName]_[Feature]_[Filters]-[YYYY.MM.DD].csv        

Including the date in YYYYMMDD format at the end is a nice touch—it helps users distinguish between different versions of the file over time.

You might be thinking, "Great, we've nailed it!" Well, hold your horses. We must consider the limitations of different operating systems and file storage services. Believe it or not, there's a limit to how long your file name can be.

For instance:

  1. Windows 11: Maximum file name length is 255 characters.
  2. OneDrive/SharePoint: The combined length of the path and file name can't exceed 400 characters. (Microsoft's guidelines)
  3. macOS: Maximum file name length is 255 characters. (Apple's technical note)
  4. Linux: Generally, the maximum file name length is 255 characters, but it can vary.

If you're feeling particularly nerdy and want to dive deeper, here's a Wikipedia article on file system limits. It's a real page-turner.

Given these limitations, it's prudent to aim for a file name length of around 150-200 characters. This leaves ample room for the file path and ensures compatibility across different systems.

Now comes the tricky part: abbreviating the file name without losing essential information. If any part of your file name is particularly long—like user filters that read "FilteredByRegionNorthAmericaAndProductCategoryElectronicsAndTimePeriodQ32023"—you might want to shorten it. Abbreviations like "NA_Electronics_Q32023" can do the trick.

At CloudNuro.ai, we prioritize keeping the most critical information intact while abbreviating less important details. We also make sure to indicate when a list of filters is incomplete, perhaps by adding an ellipsis or a "+more" tag.

By now, you might be wondering why we're putting so much effort into something as mundane as file naming. The answer is simple: User Experience. A well-thought-out file name saves users time and reduces frustration. It shows that you, as a product manager or developer, care about the little things that make a big difference.

In the end, it's about empathy. Put yourself in the user's shoes. Would you prefer a file named "data_export(5).csv" or one named "CloudNuro.ai - Sales_Report_Q32023_NA_Electronics-20231005.csv"? The latter not only tells you exactly what's in the file but also when it was generated.

So let's make a pact. No more random, gibberish file names. Let's pay attention to the details and create products that delight users in every aspect—even in something as seemingly insignificant as a file name.

And who knows? Maybe someday, when you download a file from a system you've designed, you'll smile and think, "Yes, we did it right."

Sanjeev R.

Senior Software Solutions Architect @UST | Microsoft .NET | American Cancer Society

5 个月

I agree


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