What's Facebook Got that You Need?

What's Facebook Got that You Need?

Recently I had the very rare and exclusive opportunity to look behind the curtain at Facebook! It's not the Wizard of Oz that we are lead to believe. When you understand the essence of what makes this $582B company so extra, you will understand that it's the core values, the vision and innovative culture Facebook has created. That simple. Not complicated. No Wizard of Oz. A compelling vision, core values, and a culture that allows for innovation and people to use their brains to get things done.

If you read the media and follow the news, Zuckerberg is in trouble everyday. The sky is falling, Libra is doomed, Zuckerberg is a monster selling you and your children out to the highest bidder....ect ect. When you go behind the curtain, what is at the core of his business is the same thing that started it over 15 years ago. They have been unwavering in their vision to give people the power to build community and bring people closer together world wide. To stay connected with friends and family as well as what is going on in the world.

Facebook has about 2.38 billion users world wide. Consistently connecting people to the world, their communities, and to business. They employ over 37,000 people globally. So what was the most impressive thing that you can use in your business? It came down to these essential principles:

  • Vision
  • Core Values
  • Priorities
  • Hire the right people and nurturing their development
  • Consistent company culture that allows for innovation, flexible workplace and the most productivity.

None of that is rocket science or earth shattering. So why aren't more companies as successful in delivering on their vision, and creating a culture that fosters and nurtures innovation and productivity? There are several reasons. So many entrepreneurs question their vision, and often waffle on the execution of that vision. To create a powerful culture being unwavering in your commitment to the vision of your company is critical to the future and the culture that will arise. If you look at your vision, is it simple? Would a 6 year old understand why your company exists? or Is your vision some elaborate play on words for best in class, and global dominance? Is it self serving or the real vision of a leader? I had to revisit mine, just based on this simple understanding of what do we stand for at Contrast and are we being and doing what we said when we created the company?

"Move fast and break things, unless you are breaking stuff your aren't moving fast enough." - Mark Zuckerberg

From this I gleaned that while they are always true to their vision, they are constantly reinventing themselves, the business, their products, their people in service of a bigger vision and future.

Make your employees shareholders. If people experience being responsible for the results and are awarded for those results, their actions will line up against that commitment. They will get their jobs done and well, because they are stakeholders in the company. Talk to your employees and engage with their ideas. Keep a level of what is a priority, and stop doing things that distract from the business or don't need to be done as a priority. Enable employees to use their brains, and trust they will take care of the bottom line, because it's their bottom line. It's not enough to use the laissez fair approach to leadership, if you build it they will come. Not true. Build it. Invite them, and have them understand, they are a part of designing the rest of it.

Create a working environment where you take care fo the day to day things that so many people get stressed out about and struggle with. For instance if your staff don't have to worry about lunch or working out, because both are available at the office, they will be more freed up and productive to do both. This will allow them to just focus on the priorities they have because they don't need to worry about those simple things. Facebook even puts toothbrushes in the washroom for their staff. It's a small subtle touch but when you go into a 12 hour hackathon, you don't want to have to worry about the onions in your salad and that you might breath on your colleagues.

Child care - they haven't cracked the code. With a powerful female leader of Facebook like Sheryl Sandberg, you can bet that Facebook is coming up with solutions for families so that she can attract and retain powerful women in the tech industry. They have played with child care on campus, and have gone with a subsidy for childcare rather than having the children on site. There are so many pro's and con's to both of those ideas, we won't go into it here, as you can imagine it's a hefty debate. The actions to create a childcare allowance for employees to opt into is a simple yet formidable solution to helping remove some of the concerns that parents and often working Moms face. Again, removing the noise and clutter in our brains allows us to be more fully present and productive.

Keeping it Flat! As many growing companies struggle to keep their organizations nimble Facebook has the same challenges. How to grow without creating layers of organizational structure that impedes innovation and damages the culture. One of the ways in which they attempt to keep it flat is by creating an environment where you will see the senior level leaders working in an open space, where there is freedom to move around and they aren't subject to a desk or office, or floor. Conference rooms, outdoor space, open concept workspaces, along with small teams that are accountable for specific results help to keep them nimble. Is it perfect, no. There is no such thing. It's working. I would take workability over perfection in any business any day of the week.

Facebook faces many challenges just like all growing companies, and yes they have a plethora of resources to throw at those challenges. The most incredible thing about understanding where we are going in the world due to being able to connect communities, people and businesses by using Facebook, Instagram, What's App is that the way we work, communicate, and do business is changing rapidly. The leaders of companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, are all in the process of creating the future and what it will look like. It has not yet been done. It's exciting, somewhat scary and definitely there is no blueprint.

"The biggest risk, is NOT taking any risk. In a world that is moving really quickly the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is Not taking risks." Mark Zuckerberg

Andrea Sommerfield

Image consultant, fashion stylist, Styling With Andrea

5 年

I really saw there vision in this article. So happy you posted it !


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