What's Evolving at Coralus

What's Evolving at Coralus

Hi all,

Since last May’s unSummit where we announced a number of changes at Coralus, we’ve been in deep inquiry and action exploring shifts that will strengthen our collective impact. We wanted to share what’s unfolding and invite you into some of the questions we are holding:

What’s Currently Underway…

  • ?? Evolving Our Venture Program

A small group of Ventures— Erin Millar from Indiegraf, Chloé Dubois from Ocean Legacy, Rebecca Percasky from Better Packaging, and Chenny Xia from Gotcare—are prototyping new criteria and next steps for our Venture program. This group will grow over the coming months as they bring along others.

  • ?? Expanding Our Capital Pool

A dedicated group is working on new approaches to matching funds and engaging allies outside of Coralus, ensuring we continue to grow our pool of capital and shared resources.

  • ??? Mapping the Ecosystem

We’re mapping our current Ventures to identify synergies and possibilities. What happens when we bring together businesses with shared missions? How might we increase our collective impact by working in constellations rather than isolation?

  • ?? New Funding for Ventures in Canada

We are funding a second group of Ventures in Canada to round out a special loan fund grant we received from the Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund bringing our total funded Ventures this year to 26. If you are in Canada, we are opening selection on February 27th. Stay tuned to see who is creating the conditions for transformation to occur as we evolve. Learn more + vote here

Want to stay in the loop about any of the ideas above? Click here and let us know.

??Inviting Deeper Inquiry

As always, we are sensing deeply into what Coralus can contribute in these times. Transforming systems requires evolving mindsets, finding the others, reimagining funding, and innovating through Ventures—all within a multi-capital approach to community care. If any of these open questions spark something in you, and you’d like an invite to be inquiry with us, let us know and we’ll reach out:

  • As we shift into a pod-based organizing structure, we are asking: How might our revenue model and narrative evolve to reflect the unique value of the Coralus experience?

  • Coralus is a place to protect the dreams and the dreamers. What dreams are present across our community? How might we witness and support them through storytelling, gatherings, and reflection?

  • Coralus is here to create new systems and structures. What is emerging within our community that offers new possibilities? What can we learn from the experiments already underway?

  • Coralus is a relational field. Which communities and organizations are we already connected to, and who might we invite into a larger shared practice of exploration?

Want to be involved in exploring these questions? Click here to let us know and we'll keep you in the loop.

An Open Invitation

At all levels we are living into a systems approach that evolves over time and expands based on who participates. Click above (or here) to stay in the loop on any of these ongoing inquiries, contribute your own open inquiry or wondering at this link, or simply reply to this email to let us know what’s on your mind.

Let’s step into the uncertainty and dreaming, together.

With curiosity and care,

Vicki & the Coralus Team



